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Describe the benefit to the receiving FOAP (i.e., technical, scientific, etc. purpose of the charge). If transferring to more than one FOAP, explain the allocation methodology (i.e., how were the percentages determined?). What action has been taken to eliminate the future need for cost transfers of this type?Requestor Name (Please print):PI Name (Please print):Requestor Email and Extension:Vc. As outlined in the Cost Transfers/Reallocations Policy, requests should be prepared and submitted as soon as the need for a transfer is identified, but no later than 90 days after the original posting is made and/or within 30 days of the project end date, whichever comes first. Certain exceptions may apply and are at the discretion and subject to approval by the Grant and Contract Accounting office. If this cost transfer is being requested 90 calendar days after the end of the month following the accounting period of the original transaction, explain the delay in processing this request. CURRENT DISTRIBUTION Position #:Through Monthly (MN)Bi-weekly (BW)2011%REQUEST FOR SALARY REALLOCATION FORM Monthly/Bi-weeklyCalendar Year(s) (CY):Payroll ID (select one):$Pay Period Number(s) to be adjusted:PI Approval Signature & Date:Requestor Signature & Date:* Required InformationDate Requested: Department:EMPLOYEE INFORMATION 0Total Amount to be reallocated per Pay Period : ./7Note: if the percentage of salary distribution changes from pay period to pay period, a separate salary reallocation form will need to be submitted for each pay period correction. If salary disctribution is the same for multiple pay periods, one form can be submitted referencing the pay periods to be adjusted.381XXX21XXXXXX371XXX321XXXjAPPROVALS - Ensure that approval signature has been obtained prior to submitting to GCA for processing.   CORRECTED DISTRIBUTIONCURRENT DISTRIBUTION - In the current distribution section you will want to list out the individuals 100% distribution by FOAP and Amount. Please note that the Percentage (%) will calculate automatically. You will want to use the monthly labor distribution reports that your receive as a Budget Manager or Department Administrator in your area from the Finance Department as part of your support. This report will provide you with a view of the individuals 100% breakdown by fiscal year and pay period.  Total Per Pay Period:SALARY REALLOCATION - This type of entry should be used to correct or adjust a general ledger transaction that has already been recorded. It can be used to move a specific salary expense transaction from one Fund/Org/Account/Program (FOAP) to another. NOTE: Journal Entries generated for the sole purpose of transferring expense from one FOAP to another to alleviate underspending or overspending are not permissible.  " %SALARY REALLOCATION FORM INSTRUCTIONS CORRECTED DISTRIBUTION - In the corrected distribution section you will want to list out the individuals updated 100% distribution by FOAP and Amount, in accordance with the changes you are processing. Please note that the Percentage (%) will calculate automatically. NOTE  The Total Per Pay Period amount in the Current Distribution section must match the Total Per Pay Period amount in the Corrected Distribution section.  ! "JUSTIFICATION - This area should be used to provide a detailed justification for the salary reallocation entry as explained in the justification section of the form. This is not an optional field. In addition, all salary reallocation requests require proper documentation. Examples of salary reallocation supporting documentation include: a. Payroll Personnel Authorization (PA) form b. financial reports/Banner print screens showing original transaction posting c. description of cost allocation methodology, if the cost of an expenditure is being split between different FOAPs d. notes/memos and other documents  ^ EMPLOYEE INFORMATION - Employee information is the information associated to the individual whose salary the requestor is reallocating. a. Name  Individual s name whose salary is being reallocated b. Banner ID  associated  A number (i.e., A12345678) c. Title  job title of the individual whose salary is being reallocated d. Calendar Year e. Payroll ID  Monthly or Bi-weekly f. Pay Period Number(s) to be adjusted - use the Payroll calendar located at http://www.iit.edu/payroll/payroll_calendars.shtml to identify the pay period(s) to be reallocated g. Total Amount to be reallocated per Pay Period        EF HW Yg {| ~ ,- /* JUSTIFICATION: Provide salary reallocation justification in the space below (attach additional sheets as needed). Please note this is not an optional field. Cost transfer requirements are outlined in a number of federal regulations. As like costs must be given consistent treatment in like circumstances, through the application of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the University has applied the below justification requirement to all sponsored projects, regardless of funding source. tB~N NEDOQU2bVnX +Y cc6B g2Ʉ $NtFSY  dMbP?_*+%-_ Page &P of &N&?'?(?)?MKONICA MINOLTA 200 PSS oKXXLetterPRIV0''''\KhCT SMTJKONICA MINOLTA 350/250/200 PSCollateTrueInputSlotTray1MediaTypePlainPageSizeLetterOffsetFalseOutputBinAutoBindingLeftBindingKMDuplexFalseCombinationNoneStapleNonePunchNoneFoldNoneFrontCoverPageNoneBackCoverPageNoneCoverTrayNoneTransparencyInterleaveNoneOHPOpTrayNoneWaitModeNoneResolution600dpiPageRegion"KXX??&U} IA} m A} A} m A} IA} m A} A}  A} A} A} A} A} IA} m A} A} m A} A} m A} A} m A} $A}  A} A} mA} A} I A} $ A} I A} $ Awww;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;;;@;J ;E;;;;;;;; #6G8G $6G  +( 6 -46    6  ^   ^  , 8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ %   "  ~ p@  ^^^^^^^    &    ! }||}  ' ~  b&@   |~  ?}   ^^^^^^^^  .~  c@  ^^^^^^ /4F8F8\F j  76jj[ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~  t  t  t   tt tt tt tt t t t tt  [\ h0d h1e~ h@e h2]~  i@ j% k? 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