Environmental Chemistry (B.S.)

Environmental chemistry applies chemical principles and methodologies to environmental phenomena and issues. This program offers a rigorous education in traditional chemistry and interdisciplinary training combining chemistry and environmental science.

Learn and discover chemical solutions to environmental issues in this chemistry-focused environmental science program: pollution of air and water, waste and recycling, climate change, environmental protection and remediation, energy, green chemistry, environmental analytical chemistry, environmental instrumental analysis, environmental toxicology, and more. Gain the technical skills to work in environmental science, environmental analytical chemistry, hydrologic science, atmospheric science, environmental toxicology, or environmental health science. Or prepare to pursue a graduate degree in environmental chemistry or science.

The only program of its kind in the 电车无码 area, Illinois Tech's B.S. in environmental science offers opportunities to conduct biosensor technology research with chemistry faculty monitoring pollution, microscopically detecting viruses, observing green chemistry and organic photochemistry, applying energy storage materials, and catalyzing solar energy conversion.

Program Overview

Gain the technical skills to work in environmental science, environmental analytical chemistry, hydrologic science, atmospheric science, environmental toxicology, or environmental health science. 电车无码's only tech-focused university offers opportunities to conduct biosensor technology research with chemistry faculty.

Career Opportunities

Prepare for jobs related to environmental instrumental analysis and control, monitoring, remediation, toxicology in industry and in federal and state government. This includes preparation for work with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture, and Department of Defense, departments of public safety, and others.

  • Environmental chemist
  • Environmental scientist
  • Industrial/manufacturing chemist
  • Emergency and disaster response technician
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Admission to Illinois Tech is required to enroll in the B.S. in environmental chemistry program. Consult your academic adviser to transfer into this program.