
Barien Gad


Barien Gad


Irvine, California 

Major and Graduation

Bachelor of Science, Master of Applied Science in Biochemistry and Data Science dual degree with a minor in Applied Mathematics, Expected Graduation: 2024

Student Organization Involvement

Co-founder of Women in STEM, Undergraduate Research Journal of IIT, COPE Health Scholars 

Why did you choose your major/what do you want to do with your degree?

I chose a degree that combines both biology and computer science because I believe that interdisciplinary studies are essential for innovation. I am motivated to challenge myself and pursue a career in MD/PhD because I see it as an opportunity to shape the future of medicine and find new treatments for diseases, as well as give back to my community and make a positive impact on the world. As a first-generation immigrant and Muslim woman, I am particularly passionate about pursuing a career in a field that is traditionally underrepresented by people like myself and using my skills and knowledge to address issues that are important to my community. My experiences in research have convinced me of the importance of advancing knowledge in my field and the potential to make a real difference in the world.

What is your favorite thing about the Camras Scholars Program?

The Camras Scholars Program has been an invaluable source of leadership development for me. During my time as president in the 2021 academic year, I gained valuable experience working with students from a variety of disciplines and learned how to effectively advocate for my ideas and goals. One of my most memorable experiences as president was the successful establishment of a literacy program at Drake Elementary, which required collaboration and persistence in the face of challenges. Through this experience, I learned the power of determination and the ability to bring people together to accomplish great things. The Camras Scholars Program has not only helped me improve as a leader, but it has also given me the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in my community.

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

Over the next 20 years, I hope to use my medical training and expertise to make a significant and personal impact in the lives of those in my community and beyond. As a physician, my primary goal is to provide top-quality medical care to my patients and be a reliable resource for them, offering not only physical healing but also emotional support and guidance. But my aspirations go beyond just treating individual patients. I also hope to make a positive difference in the larger healthcare system in my home country of Egypt. I envision using my knowledge and skills to address issues such as accessibility, affordability, and quality of care, and advocating for the needs of underserved populations. It is my hope that through my efforts, I can help create a more equitable and effective healthcare system for all. In addition to my work as a physician, I also hope to make a personal impact on the lives of future generations by establishing a scholarship in my own name. I believe in the transformative power of education and want to be able to provide support to others who may not have the financial or academic resources to pursue their dreams. By establishing a scholarship, I hope to be able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students and help them reach their full potential. Overall, in the next 20 years, I hope to make a lasting and meaningful impact on the lives of those around me, both as a physician and as a supporter of education. Through my work and efforts, I hope to inspire and encourage others to pursue their dreams and make a positive difference in the world.

How do you think you best represent what it means to be a Camras scholar?

During my time at IIT, I have successfully integrated free menstrual sanitary products across campus, established an award-winning corporate-sponsored student organization (WiSTEM), established a literacy program with Drake Elementary when I served as president of my scholarship organization (Camras Scholars Program), co-founded an undergraduate research journal (URJIIT) for undergraduate students to publish, secured and advocated for a women's center, and successfully maintained a competitive GPA. Outside of IIT, I have completed multiple research projects and received the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award this year. I also volunteer at local hospitals as a COPE Health Scholar and serve as a math tutor at the Academic Resource Center on campus. In recognition of my efforts, I was last year's recipient of the Outstanding Commitment to Service Award and The Clinton E. Stryker Award.


Email: bgad@hawk.iit.edu
