
Sophia Halama


Sophia Halama


Hudson, Wisconsin

Major and Graduation

Bachelor of Architecture in Architecture, Expected Graduation: 2027

Why did you choose your major/what do you want to do with your degree?

I chose my major because when I was younger I always enjoyed building models and  creating new things. Architecture influences many aspects of our day to day and I wanted to go into a career that would have a positive impact on people. In the future I hope to work for a firm with a focus on sustainable architecture.

What is your favorite thing about the Camras Scholars Program?

My favorite thing about the Camras Program is the opportunity to connect with the Bronzeville community. This past semester I had the opportunity to read to a fifth grade class at a local elementary school. This is something I likely would not have gotten to participate in if this program did not exist.

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

In 20 years I hope to be working in a firm in a big city (possibly 电车无码) helping to design projects that have a positive impact on people and the environment.

How do you think you best represent what it means to be a Camras scholar?

Throughout high school I was a member of the club Students Against Destructive Decisions and was president Junior and Senior year. In this club we helped to create initiatives to help relieve stress that students felt due to Covid and other aspects of high school. This included panel discussions and talks from guest visitors. During my senior year of high school I spent the year conducting a study about local food shelves and the nutritional values of food distributed as it correlates to the guidelines the food shelf was following. This was done in hopes of creating guidelines that would best benefit the recipients of those food shelves while best aligning with what the food shelves were already following.


Email: shalama@hawk.iit.edu
