Elisabeth Hildt

  • Professor of Philosophy
  • Director of the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions

Elisabeth Hildt is interested in philosophical and ethical aspects of science and technology. Her research focuses on bioethics, ethics & technology, neurophilosophy, neuroethics, and ethical aspects of Artificial Intelligence.

After having completed her studies in biochemistry, she became a fellow of the post-graduate program Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities at the University of Tübingen, where she did her doctorate writing a thesis on personal identity issues in neural grafting. Afterwards, she was the scientific coordinator of the interdisciplinary project European Network for Biomedical Ethics. After several years of post-doctoral experience at the University of Munich she was an assistant professor at the Chair for Ethics in the Life Sciences at the University of Tübingen. From 2008 to summer 2014, Elisabeth Hildt was the head of the Research Group on Neuroethics/Neurophilosophy at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Mainz.


Habilitation, University of Tübingen 
Ph.D., University of Tübingen
Diploma Biochemistry, University of Tübingen

Research Interests


Ethics & Technology



Research ethics

Ethical and social aspects of genetics

Science in society


Mirghaderi, L., Sziron, M., Hildt, E.: "Investigating user perceptions of commercial virtual assistants: A qualitative study", Frontiers in Psychology 13:944714, 2022. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.944714. 

Hildt, E., Laas, K., Miller, C.Z., Taylor, S.: "Student views on the culture of STEM research laboratories: Results from an interview study", Accountability in Research, 2022: .

Zicari, R.V., Amann, J., Bruneault, F., Coffee, M.,  Düdder, B., Hickman, E.,  Gallucci, A., Gilbert, T.K., Hagendorff, T., van Halem, I., Hildt, E., Kararigas, G., Kringen, P., Madai, V.I., Mathez, E.W., Tithi, J.J., Vetter, D.,  Westerlund, M., Wurth, R.: "How to Assess Trustworthy AI in Practice", 2022, .

Allahabadi, H., Amann, J., Balot, I., Beretta, A., Binkley, C., Bozenhard, J., Bruneault, F., Brusseau, J., Candemir, S., Cappellini, L.A., Chakraborty, S., Cherciu, N., Cociancig, C., Coffee, M., Ek, I., Espinosa-Leal, L., Farina, D., Fieux-Castagnet, G., Frauenfelder, T., Gallucci, A., Giuliani, G., Golda, A., van Halem, I., Hildt, E., Holm, S., Kararigas, G., Krier, S.A., Kühne, U., Lizzi, F., Madai, V.I., Markus, A.F., Masis, S., Mathez, E.W., Mureddu, F., Neri, E., Osika, W., Ozols, M., Panigutti, C., Parent, B., Pratesi, F., Moreno-Sánchez, P.A. Sartor, G., Savardi, M., Signoroni, A., Sormunen, H., Spezzatti, A., Srivastava, A., Stephansen, A.F., Theng, L.B., Tithi, J.J., Tuominen, J., Umbrello, S., Vaccher, F., Vetter,D., Westerlund, M., Wurth, R., Zicari, R.V.: "Assessing Trustworthy AI in times of COVID-19. Deep Learning for predicting a multi-regional score conveying the degree of lung compromise in COVID-19 patients“, IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, DOI: 10.1109/TTS.2022.3195114, 2022. 

Hildt, E.: "A conceptual approach to the right to mental integrity", in: López-Silva, P., Valera, L. (eds): Protecting the Mind. Challenges in Law, Neuroprotection, and Neurorights, Springer, 2022, 87-97.

Laas, K., Davis, M., Hildt, E. (eds): Codes of Ethics and Ethical Guidelines. Emerging Technologies, Changing Fields, Springer, 2022. 

Hildt, E., Laas, K.: "Informed Consent in Digital Data Management", in: Laas, K., Davis, M., Hildt, E. (eds): Codes of Ethics and Ethical Guidelines. Emerging Technologies, Changing Fields, Springer, 2022, 55-82. 

Laas, K., Hildt, E., Wu, Y.: "Mentions of Ethics Codes in Social Media: A Twitter Analysis", in: Laas, K., Davis, M., Hildt, E. (eds): Codes of Ethics and Ethical Guidelines. Emerging Technologies, Changing Fields, Springer, 2022, 193-210. 

Hildt, E.: "", Frontiers in Computer Science 3:671012, 2021. doi: 10.3389/fcomp.2021.671012.

Hildt, E.: , Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:711407, 2021. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.711407.

Zicari, R.V., Ahmed, S., Amann, J., Braun, S.A., Brodersen, J., Bruneault, F., Brusseau, J., Campano, E., Coffee, M., Dengel, A., Düdder, B., Gallucci, A., Gilbert, T.K., Gottfrois, P., Goffi, E., Haase, C.B., Hagendorff, T., Hickman, E., Hildt, E., Holm, S., Kringen, P., Kühne, U., Lucieri, A., Madai, V.I., Moreno Sánchez, P.A., Medlicott, O., Ozols, M., Schnebel, E., Spezzati, A., Tithi, J.J., Umbrello, S., Vetter, D., Volland, H., Westerlund, M., Wurth, R.: "", Front. Hum. Dyn., 3:688152, 2021. doi: 10.3389/fhumd.2021.688152.

Zicari, R.V., Brusseau, J., Blomberg, S.N., Christensen, H.C., Coffee, M., Ganapini, M.B., Gerke, S., Gilbert, T.K., Hickman, E., Hildt, E., Holm, S., Kühne, U., Madai, V.I., Osika, W., Spezzati, A., Schnebel, E., Tithi, J.J., Vetter, D., Westerlund, M., Wurth, R., Amann, J., Antun, V., Beretta, V., Bruneault, F., Campano, E., Düdder, B., Gallucci, A., Goffi, E., Haase, C.B., Hagendorff, T., Kringen, P., Möslein, F., Ottenheimer, D., Ozols, M., Palazzani, L., Petrin, M., Tafur, K., Tørresen, J., Volland, H., Kararigas, G.: "", Front. Hum. Dyn 3:673104, 2021. doi: 10.3389/fhumd.2021.673104.

Laas, K., Taylor, S., Miller, C.Z., Brey, E.M., Hildt, E.: "", Accountability in Research, 2021.

Holtzman, G. Hildt, E. (eds): , Springer: Dordrecht, 2020.

Hildt, E., Laas, K., Sziron, M.: "", Science and Engineering Ethics 26(5): 2371-2379, 2020.

Bard, I., Hildt, E. (eds): , Elsevier, 2020.

Hildt, E.: "", Frontiers in Neuro­science 13:1177, 2019. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01177.

Hildt, E., Laas, K., Miller, C., Taylor, S., Brey, E.M.: "", Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28(3): 542-550, 2019.

Hildt, E.: "Frontiers in Psychology 10:1535, 2019, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01535.

Sziron, M., Hildt, E.: "", Frontiers in Psychology 9:2137, 2018, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02137.

Bard, I., Gaskell, G., Allansdottir, A., da Cunha, R.V. , Eduard, P., Hampel, J., Hildt, E., Hofmaier, C., Kronberger, N., Laursen, S., Meijknecht, A., Nordal, S., Quintanilha, A., Revuelta, G., Saladié, N., Sándor, J., Santos, J.B., Seyringer, S., Singh, I., Somson, H., Toonders, W., Torgerson, H., Torre, V., Varju, M., Zwart, H.: "", Neuroethics 11, 2018, 309-322.

Leefmann, J., Hildt, E. (eds): , Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2017.

Gaskell, G., Bard, I., Allansdottir, A., Vieira da Cunha, R., Eduard, P., Hampel, J., Hildt, E., Hofmaier, C., Kronberger, N., Laursen, S., Meijknecht, A., Nordal, S., Quintanilha, A., Revuelta, G., Saladié, N., Sándor, J., Borlido Santos, J., Seyringer, S., Singh, I., Somson, H., Toonders, W., Torgerson, H., Torre, V., Varju, M., Zwart, H.: "", Nature Biotechnology 35, 2017, 1021-1023.

Leefmann, J., Levallois, C., Hildt, E.: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:336, 2016.

Hildt, E.: "" Frontiers in Genetics 7:81, 2016.

Hildt, E.: Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Vol. 9 Art. 17, 2015.

Hildt, E., Lieb, K., Bagusat, C., Franke, A.G.: , BioMed Research International, Article ID 621075, 2015.

Hildt, E., Lieb, K., Franke, A.G.:, BMC Medical Ethics 15, 2014, 23.

Grübler, G., Al-Khodairy, A., Leeb, R., Pisotta, I., Riccio, A., Rohm, M., Hildt, E.: , Neuroethics 7(1), 2014, 29-41.

Franke, A.G., Lieb, K., Hildt, E.:, PLoS ONE 7(6), 2012, e40047.

Hildt, E.: Campus: Frankfurt/M., 2006. (Habilitation thesis)

Hildt, E.: Duncker & Humblot: Berlin, 1996. (Ph.D. thesis)