F.R. McMorris

  • Professor Emeritus of Applied Mathematics


Ph.D. - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Axioms for location functions on the n-cube, J. Applied Math. (2017), Article ID 8025616 (5 pages). arXiv:1606.04125v1 [math.CO] (with C. Garcia-Martinez, O. Ortega, and R.C. Powers).

Some axiomatic limitations for consensus and supertree functions on hierarchies, Journal of Theoretical Biology 404 (2016), 342-347 (with R.C. Powers).

An ABC-problem for location and consensus functions on graphs , Discrete Applied Mathematics 207 (2016), 15-28 (with H.M. Mulder, B. Novick, and R.C. Powers).

Five axioms for location functions on median graphs , Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 7 (2015), Article ID 1550013 (30 pages) (with H.M. Mulder, B. Novick, and R.C. Powers).

Strategy-proof location functions on finite graphs , in Clusters, Orders, Trees: Methods and Applications, F. Aleskerov, B. Goldengorin and P. Pardolos Eds., pp. 63-75, Springer, 2014 (with H.M. Mulder and F.S. Roberts).

Explosions and Hot Spots in Supertree Methods, Journal of Theoretical Biology 253 (2008), 345-348 (with W.H.E. Day and M. Wilkinson).

The Majority Decision Function for Trees with 3 Leaves, Annals of Operations Research 163 (2008), 169-175 (with R.C. Powers).

Topics in Intersection Graph Theory, SIAM Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications, Philadelphia, PA, 1999 (with T.A. McKee).

Axiomatic Consensus Theory in Group Choice and Biomathematics, SIAM Frontiers of Applied Mathematics, vol.29, Philadelphia PA, 2003 (with W.H.E. Day).

Constructing majority-rule supertrees, Algorithms for Molecular Biology 5:2 (2010) (with J. Dong and D. Fern谩ndez-Baca).

The lp-function on trees, Networks 60 (2012), 94-102 (with H.M. Mulder and O. Ortega).

Majority decision on median semilattices, Math. Social Sciences 65(2013), 48-51 (with R.C. Powers).


  • Discrete applied mathematics, computational and mathematical biology, classification theory, location theory.