Michael Pelsmajer

  • Associate Chair and Director of Graduate Studies of the Department of Applied Mathematics
  • Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics


Ph.D. - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.S. - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
B.A. - Williams College


Selected Publications

  • Statistical Models for Cores Decomposition of an Undirected Random Graph, with V. Karwa, S. Petrovic, D. Stasi, and D. Wilburne, Electronic Journal of Statistics, to appear.
  • Hanani-Tutte for Radial Planarity II, with R. Fulek and M. Schaefer. In: Hu Y., N枚llenburg M. (eds) Graph Drawing and Network Visualization. GD 2016. LNCS 9801, 468-481, 2016.
  • Finding Minors in Graphs with a Given Path Structure, with A. Kundgen and R. Ramamurthi, Journal of Graph Theory 79(1), 30-47, 2015.
  • Hanani-Tutte, Monotone Drawings, and Level-Planarity, with R. Fulek, M. Schaefer, and D. Stefankovic, in: Thirty Essays on Geometric Graph Theory, 263-287, 2013.
  • On the Induced Matching Problem, with I. Kanj, M. Schaefer, and G. Xia, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 77(6), 1058-1070, 2011.
  • Dominating Sets in Plane Triangulations, with E.L.C. King, Discrete Mathematics 310(17), 2221-2230, 2010.
  • Odd Crossing Number and Crossing Number Are Not the Same, with M. Schaefer and D. Stefankovic, Discrete and Computational Geometry 39, 442-454, 2008.
    Republished in Twentieth Anniversary Volume: Discrete and Computational Geometry, J.E. Goodman, J. Pach, R. Pollack (Eds.), 2009.
  • Nonrepetitive Colorings of Graphs of Bounded Tree-width, with A. Kundgen, Discrete Mathematics 308(19), 4473-4478, 2008.
  • Removing Even Crossings, with M. Schaefer and D. Stefankovic, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 97(4), 489-500, 2007.
  • Fast Edge Colorings with Fixed Number of Colors to Minimize Imbalance, with G. Calinescu, Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science 2006, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 4337, Springer, Berlin, 117-128, 2006.
  • Graph Minors and Reliable Single Message Transmission, with F. Fich, A. Kundgen, and R. Ramamurthi, Siam J. Discrete Math 19(4), 815-847, 2005.
  • A List Analogue of Equitable Coloring, with A. V. Kostochka and D. B. West, Journal of Graph Theory, Volume 44(3), 166-177, 2003.


  • Discrete Applied Mathematics: Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Applications, Algorithms & Complexity.
Michael Pelsmajer

Contact Information

312.567.5344 Rettaliata Engineering Center, Room 220 By appointment