Scott Morris

  • Nambury S. Raju Endowed Chair in Psychology
  • Industrial/Organizational Psychology Program Director
  • Professor

Scott Morris received a Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology in 1994 from the University of Akron, and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Northern Iowa in 1987. He is a fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the American Psychological Association, and serves as associate editor for the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Morris teaches courses in personnel selection and psychometrics, covering topics such as job analysis, test development and validation, and legal issues. 

In his research, Morris applies advanced statistical methods to ensure the validity and fairness of personnel selection systems. This includes methods of meta-analysis, statistics for assessing adverse impact, and applications of advanced psychometric models (e.g., computer adaptive testing). He also conducts research exploring bias and discrimination in subjective employment practices.


Ph.D., University of Akron (1994)
B.A., University of Northern Iowa (1987)

Research Interests

Personnel selection

Bias and discrimination in employee selection

Adverse impact analysis

Quantitative and research methodology

Meta-analysis/validity generalization

Differential item functioning and measurement equivalence

Computer adaptive testing


Morris, S.B. (2023). . Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 10, 225-259.

Morris, S. B., Bass, M. Howard, E & Neapolitan, R. E. (2019). Stopping rules for computer adaptive testing when item banks have non-uniform information. International Journal of Testing, 20, 146-168. 

Morris, S. B., & Porter, M. G. (2018), Adverse Impact and Equal Employment Opportunity Analytics. In R. Griffin (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Management. New York: Oxford University Press.

Morris, S. B., & Dunleavy, E. M. (Eds., 2017). Adverse Impact Analysis: Understanding Data, Statistics and Risk. New York, NY: Routledge.

Morris, S. B., Daisley, R. L., Wheeler, M., & Boyer, P. (2015). A meta-analysis of the relationship between individual assessments and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 5-20.

Deprez-Sims, A., & Morris, S. B. (2013). The effect of non-native accents on the evaluation of applicants during an employment interview: The development of a path model. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 21, 355-367.

Raju, N. S., Fortmann, K. A., Kim, W., Morris, S. B., Nering, M., & Oshima, T. C. (2009). The item parameter replication method for detecting differential functioning in the polytomous DFIT framework. Applied Psychological Measurement, 33, 133-147.

Morris, S. B. (2008). Estimating effect sizes from pretest-posttest-control designs. Organizational Research Methods, 11, 364-386.