Zongzhi Li

  • Professor of Civil and Architectural Engineering
  • Director of Transportation Engineering and Infrastructure Engineering and Management


Ph.D. Transportation and Infrastructure Systems Engineering Purdue University December 2003
MSIE Operations Research Purdue University August 2002
MSCE Transportation and Infrastructure Systems Engineering Purdue University May 2000
BE Magna Cum Laude Chang鈥檃n University, Xi鈥檃n, China July 1992

Research Interests

Transportation systems analysis, evaluation, and asset management; statistical and econometric methods for transportation demand modeling, pavement performance modeling, and safety and security analyses; simulation modeling for intelligent transportation systems applications; risk and uncertainty modeling, and optimization of dynamic traffic networks, infrastructure systems, and logistics problems.

Multimodal transportation infrastructure and dynamic traffic network mobility, safety, security and emergency evacuation, and energy consumption/vehicle emission performance modeling.

Sustainable transportation asset management addressing issues of system component interdependency, integration, and risk and uncertainty.


Sigma Xi Award for Excellence in Research, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2011

Arthur M. Wellington Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2011

Senior Research Fellow, Reason Foundation, 2009

Charley V. Wootan Award, U.S. Council of University Transportation Centers, 2001

IRF Fellowship, International Road Federation, 1998


  • Bai, Q., A. Ahmed, Z. Li, and S. Labi. 2013. A Hybrid Pareto Frontier Generation Method for Analyzing Trade-offs among Transportation Performance Measures. Wiley Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (Tentatively Accepted, In Revision).
  • Li, Z., K. Kepaptsoglou, Y. Lee, H. Patel, Y. Liu, H. Kim. 2013. Empirical Bayesian Before-After Analysis of Safety Impacts of Shoulder Paving for Rural and Urban Highways. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering (In Press).
  • Li, Z., A. M. Roshandeh, B. Zhou, S.H. Lee. 2013. Optimal Decision-Making of Interdependent Tollway Capital Investments Incorporating Risk and Uncertainty. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000540.
  • Wang, Z. L. Wang, L. Wang, Z. Li, A. Moore, and S. Staley. 2013. A Study of Modal Shifts to Bus Rapid Transit in Chinese Cities. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000523.
  • Anwaar, A., S., Labi, Z. Li, T. Shields. 2013. Aggregate and Disaggregate Statistical Evaluation of the Performance-based Effectiveness of LTPP SPS-5 Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Treatments. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 9(2), 172-187.
  • Li, Z., H. Kaul, S. Kapoor, E. Veliou, B. Zhou. 2012. A New Model for Transportation Investment Decisions Considering Project Interdependencies. TRB Journal of Transportation Research Record2285,36-46.
  • Kepaptsoglou, K., M.G. Karlaftis, and Z. Li. 2010. Optimizing Pricing Policies in Park-and-Ride Facilities: A Model and Decision Support System with Application. International Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology 10(5), 53-65.
  • Li, Z., S. Labi, M. Karlaftis, K. Kepaptsoglou, M. Abbas, B. Zhou, and S. Madanu. 2010. A Project-Level Life-Cycle Benefit/Cost Analysis Approach for Evaluating Highway Safety Hardware Improvements. TRB Journal of Transportation Research Record 2160, 1-11.
  • Li, Z. 2010. Highway Work Zone Safety Audits for Safety Improvements. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management17(5), 512 - 526.
  • Li, Z., S. Madanu, Y. Wang, M. Abbas, and B. Zhou. 2010. A Heuristic Approach for Selecting Highway Investment Alternatives. Wiley Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering25(6), 427-439.
  • Madanu, S., Z. Li, and M. Abbas. 2010. Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Highway Intersection Safety Hardware Improvements. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering136(2), 129-140.
  • Li, J., Z. Li, and B. Zhou. 2010. A Disaggregated Approach for the Computation of Network Level Highway User Costs. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology3(1), 24-33.
  • Pittou, M., M.G. Karlaftis, and Z. Li. 2009. Nonparametric Binary Recursive Partitioning Method for Deterioration Prediction of Bridge Deck Elements. Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering 2009, Article ID 809767, 1-12.
  • Sinha, K.C., V. Patidar, Z. Li, S. Labi, and P. Thompson. 2009. Establishing the Weights of Performance Criteria- Case Studies in Transportation Facility Management. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering135(9), 619-631.
  • Li, Z., and S. Madanu. 2009. Highway Project-Level Life-Cycle Benefit/Cost Analysis under Certainty, Risk, and Uncertainty: A Methodology with Case Study. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering135(8), 516-526 (2011 Arthur M. Wellington Prize Paper).
  • Li, Z. 2009. Stochastic Model and O(N2) Algorithm for Highway Investment Decision-Making under Budget Uncertainty. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering135(6), 371-379.
  • Li, Z., and K.C. Sinha. 2009. A Methodology for the Determination of Relative Weighs of Highway Asset Management System Goals and Performance Measures. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems15(2), 95-105.
  • Li, Z., and K.C. Sinha. 2009. Application of Shackle鈥檚 Model and System Optimization for Highway Investment Decision-Making under Uncertainty. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 135(3), 129-139.
  • Labi, S., G. Lamptey, and Z. Li. 2008. Decision Support for Optimal Scheduling of Highway Pavement Preventive Maintenance within Resurfacing Cycle. Journal of Decision Support Systems 46(1), 376-387.


  1. Li, Z., A.T. Moore, and S.R. Staley. 2013. Megacity Mobility: Meeting the Traffic Congestion Challenge in Global Cities. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Lanham, MD (Finalizing Manuscript, Expected in June 2013).
  2. Li, Z., and S.H. Lee. 2009. Highway Asset Management under Risk and Uncertainty: Methodology, Models and Application. VDM Verlag Dr. M眉ller AG & CoKG, Saarbr眉cken, Germany (ISBN: 363-914-553-4).
  3. Li, Z. 2009. Multicriteria Highway Programming Incorporating Risk and Uncertainty: A Methodology for Integrated Highway Asset Management. VDM Verlag Dr. M眉ller AG & CoKG, Saarbr眉cken, Germany (ISBN: 363-914-540-2).

Refereed Book Chapters

  1. Li, Z., S. Madanua, and S. Lee. 2011. Highway Transportation Project Evaluation and Selection Incorporating Risk and Uncertainty. Stochastic Optimization: Seeing the Optimal for the Uncertain, 321-350. INTECH, Vienna, Austria (ISBN: 978-953-307-829-8).


Transportation systems analysis, evaluation, and asset management; statistical and econometric methods for transportation demand modeling, pavement performance modeling, and safety and security analyses; simulation modeling for intelligent transportation systems applications; risk and uncertainty modeling, and optimization of dynamic traffic networks, infrastructure systems, and logistics problems.

Zongzhi Li

Contact Information

312.567.3556 312.567.3519 3201 South Dearborn Street,AM Hall, Room 211

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Petra Kelly
Communications Director