CANCELLED EVENT - Applied Mathematics Colloquium with Min Wu:Mathematical Modeling of Size and Shape Regulation in Cell Wall and Tumor Spheroid Growth  




IT 6D6-1




Speaker: , Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Title: Mathematical Modeling of Size and Shape Regulation in Cell Wall and Tumor Spheroid Growth  

Abstract:  Cutting-edge development in biotechnology and medicine involves reconstructing cells, tissues, and organs. Understanding the formation of living systems can aid in accelerating this work.  

I will first discuss our work on the shape regulation of the cell wall apical domain in single-cell filamentous growth. By developing a surface model of cell wall growth and utilizing the cell wall shape data from multiple walled cell species, we find two strategies to maintain a specific cell shape: morphing the secretion profile and moving the exocytosis hotspot.   

I will then discuss our study on tumor spheroid size regulation. I will present a continuum model that describes the growth and mechanics in the tumor by considering its mechanical properties under finite elastic deformation and rearranging activities associated with stress dissipation in the presence of a graded growth-promoting chemical field. New to the previous experimental and theoretical results, where external physical confinement influences the steady-state tumor size, we find in theory the tumor size can be modulated by its elastic properties and internal rearrangements in a mechanically free growing environment. 


Applied Mathematics Colloquia


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