ChBE Fall 2018 Seminar“Faraday Instability at Liquid-Fluid Interfaces- Physical Phenomena, Mathematical Modeling, Experimental Evaluation”




Perlstein Hall Auditorium, 10 West 33rd Street, 糵, IL 60616

Armour College of Engineering and Chemical and Biological Engineering Department will host a seminar featuring Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida Ranga Narayanan. He will present his lecture, “Faraday Instability at Liquid-Fluid Interfaces- Physical Phenomena, Mathematical Modeling, Experimental Evaluation”


Resonance driven instability or Faraday instability occurs when vertically stacked fluid bilayers are subject to periodic forcing in a direction that is normal to their common interface. The forcing can arise from several means, for example, by mechanical motion, by acoustic means, or even via electrostatic fields. The instability at the interface, which is manifested by ordered patterns, has its origins in the resonance between the imposed frequency and the system’s natural frequency. Our talk will focus on a comparison between theory and experiments showing remarkable agreement between the two.

We also show how and why electrostatic forced resonance is an excellent candidate to determine interfacial tension between fluids such as liquid semi-conductors and encapsulates.


Ranga Narayanan is the William and Tracy Cirioli Chair and Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Florida. His research is in the area of pattern formation. He has over 200 published papers and conference presentations along with five authored and edited books. Among his awards are the Durham Univ. Fellow Fulbright Distinguished Chair Fellowship (Israel 2012), Senior Scientist, European Commission (2011-12), Distinguished Foreign Scientist Award from the Government of India (2011), Japan Society Foundation Fellowship (2009 and in 2013), Fulbright Scholar (Belgium, 2001), Alexander von Humboldt Awards (2015, 1989) and election to the International Aeronautics Academy (2012) in addition to Fellowships in the American Physical Society, AIChE, the AAAS and the Inst. Mathematics and applications.