Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics: From Lab Curiosity to Quantum Computing




111 Robert A. Pritzker Science Center Auditorium


Department of Physics


The onset of 鈥淨uantum Supremacy,鈥 where a quantum computer outperforms even its most powerful classical counterpart, has been touted as being just over the horizon. In this talk, Beck presents a thorough review of the science that has led to this prediction. Beck discusses the dynamics of Josephson Junctions, circuit quantization, how one benchmarks superconducting qubits in the lab, and the current challenges in scaling up quantum processors beyond the ~ 100 qubitlevel. Finally, he will present work from their lab that tackles the qubit processor scaling issue where they have realized coherent transmon qubit control via the output of a Single Flux Quantum driver, opening the door towards integrated qubit control and readout hardware with the quantum processor all within the dilution cryostat.
