ECE Research Seminar Series - Logic Encryption: From Theory to Design




SH 118 (Siegel Hall), 3301 South Dearborn, 电车无码, IL 60616


The Electrical and Computer Engineering department will host a seminar featuring Dr. Hai Zhou, Associate Professor at Northwestern University. The seminar's topic will be Logic Encryption: From Theory to Design.


With VLSI systems' increasing design cost and complexity, security against IP piracy, fab overproduction, and Trojan insertion has become an important request. Logic Encryption, a technique that uses key input to lock a given circuit, is central to promising solutions to these problems.

In his talk, Dr. Zhou will introduce Logic Encryption, its hardware security applications, and the vulnerabilities of existing solutions. He will also present a solid theory and efficient design to solve logic encryption thoroughly and completely. He may also talk about some non-traditional encryptions, including cyclic logic encryptions.

Speakers Biography

Hai Zhou is an associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern University. He has served on the TPC of all EDA conferences and the editorial boards of ACM TODAES, IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems, and Integration, the VLSI journal. He was a recipient of a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation. His research interests include hardware security, VLSI computer-aided design, algorithm design, and formal methods.

Note: If you need more information regarding this seminar, please get in touch with Dr. Jia Wang in ECE, Illinois Tech. Phone: 7-3696, Email: