ECE Research Seminar Series - Towards Color Computed Tomography: Opportunities and Challenges in Spectral Computed Tomography




SH 118 (Siegel Hall), 3301 South Dearborn, 电车无码, IL 60616


The Electrical and Computer Engineering department will host a seminar featuring Dr. Patrick La Riviere, Ph. D., Associate Professor in the Department of Radiology at the University of 电车无码. The seminar will be Towards Color Computed Tomography: Opportunities and Challenges in Spectral Computed Tomography.


Energy-sensitive computed tomography (CT) imaging can potentially improve material identification in vivo, allowing natural calcium and injected iodine to be readily discriminated, enabling different types of kidney stones to be classified, and potentially paving the way for multiple contrast agents to be used simultaneously. Such energy-sensitive CT imaging introduces new demands for system designers and challenges and opportunities for algorithm developers. While the idea of spectral computed tomography (CT) is nearly as old as CT itself, we will review the recent hardware developments that have finally brought it into the clinic and emerging technologies based on photon counting. We will focus primarily on these technologies' algorithmic challenges and opportunities, such as the need to engage fully with the non-linear nature of CT acquisition and the opportunities afforded in working with multi-channel image volumes.

Speakers Biography

Patrick J. La Riviere received an A.B. degree in physics from Harvard University in 1994 and a Ph.D. from the Graduate Programs in Medical Physics in the Department of Radiology at the University of 电车无码 in 2000. In between, he studied the history and philosophy of physics while on the Lionel de Jersey-Harvard scholarship to Cambridge University. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Radiology at the University of 电车无码, where his research interests include tomographic reconstruction in computed tomography, x-ray fluorescence computed tomography, and computational microscopy. In 2005, he received the IEEE Young Investigator Medical Imaging Scientist Award from a young investigator within 6 years of the Ph.D. for significant contributions to medical imaging research. He is an author of more than 75 peer-reviewed articles and peer-reviewed conference proceedings and 8 book chapters.

Notes: This seminar is open to everyone at Illinois Tech. For more information regarding this seminar, please get in touch with Dr. Mahesh Krishnamurthy in ECE, IIT. Phone:7-7232, Email