First Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Computation (CISC) Lunchtime Matchmaking Seminar




129 Robert A. Pritzker Science Center (LS 129)


Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Computation (CISC)


This series of lunchtime seminars brings together researchers with intersecting interests in scientific computation. It is intended for faculty and research students desiring interdisciplinary collaboration. There will be presentations followed by discussion.

The first seminar provides an introduction to the and the for scientific computation. Then, chemistry assistant professor will speak on:

Algorithms for computational biochemistry and data analysis.
Towards the goal of predicting how small molecules interact with proteins, his group works on stochastic sampling algorithms, statistical estimators, and computational biochemistry software. To a lesser extent, he is also working on Bayesian methods to analyze complementary laboratory experiments.

To attend, please RSVP at by noon on Monday, September 25. Lunch is provided.
