International Engineering Computing Workshop to be Held at IIT



IIT campus

It is a great honor that the 6th International Conference on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC) will be held on the historic IIT campus from May 26-28, 2014. The theme of this conference is "Reliability and Computations of Infrastructures". Academic institutions and industry are invited to contribute and to join in the discussions on needs and developments in the field.

The REC-meetings provide a unique symbiosis of various engineering and associated disciplines with the kernel areas of Civil/Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics. Central issue of the discussions is the reliability of engineering computations. Cross-disciplinary advisements generate synergy and impulses of a new quality for research and development, as well as for innovative applications.

REC2014 is focusing on providing solutions for reliability and computational issues in infrastructural systems. From a perspective of infrastructure system performance, many infrastructures worldwide are approaching the end of their design life, and require repair or replacement. Therefore, there is a crucial need for design/decision making methodologies and protocols that will assure maintaining the safe operation of infrastructures. These methods will assist practicing engineers to decide whether to repair or replace an infrastructure system. Moreover, they can be used to perform the cost analysis for construction and maintenance of structural systems.

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