Leadership Academy Seminar #1 - Bridging Leadership




MTCC Ballroom
Leadership Academy Seminar #1 - Bridging Leadership


Maura Koutoujian, Life & Wellness Coach (Bio)

Is This Bridge Safe to Cross?

Explore a leadership style that fosters growth and cooperation

How do we connect with our fellow students, colleagues, and global citizens when we may not agree with them philosophically or politically?

Is it possible to enter into productive dialogue toward a common goal when we may have very different experiences and beliefs?

How does diversity based on disciplinary backgrounds and industries impact teams?


We live and work in environments where it may seem more desirable to simply walk away to avoid conflict. Or to force our own agenda believing this is the only way to accomplish our individual and community goals.

There is an alternative to avoidance or force – ‘Bridging Leadership’. There are many facets to leadership – and for masterful bridging, three elements are crucial - humility, curiosity, and authentic conversation. These components encourage a dialogue of trust.

Bridging Leadership... What Is It and How Can We Put It Into Practice?

We will discuss the three key components – humility, curiosity, authentic conversation – and how they impact the following areas:

  • What are the risks involved when we are part of a homogeneous team? And what benefits come from a climate of diversity?
  • What is psychological safety and how does it impact leadership and participation? What are some strategies that will help foster a sense of safety and trust?
  • We will explore the similarities and differences between treating someone with respect and treating someone with dignity.
  • We will identify your values, discuss their importance, and understand how you can employ your core values to make decisions with confidence.

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