Leadership Academy Seminar #1 - Exploring the Science of Leadership




Hermann Hall HH002
Leadership Academy Seminar #1 - Exploring the Science of Leadership


George Langlois, Ph.D. ()

Meghan Pickett ()

Exploring the Science of Leadership

Leadership is a nebulous term; researchers, organizations, and people define it differently. This Seminar will focus on exploring the science behind the various leadership models, with a special focus on the model that inspired the Leadership Academy - Servant Leadership.

Traditional leadership models generally involve a top-down power dynamic, with one leader exercising power and influence over their followers. This workshop is designed to walk students through another model of leadership, one rooted in the development of followers. By helping to unlock their follower's potential, Servant Leaders broaden their impact and improve their team's performance.


  • Disucss the various models of leadership and the science behind each
  • Gain a thorough understanding of the components of Servant Leadership
  • Participate in discussions and activities of effective leader behaviors

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