Making, Breaking, and Elucidating Uranium-Nitrogen Multiple Bonds




PS 111


, professor of inorganic chemistry, Purdue University


Redox-active ligands have proven to be versatile frameworks for transition metals due to their ability to support low-valent metals in various oxidation states. Our laboratory has demonstrated such ligands are effective at mediating organometallic and multi-electron transfer reactions at low-valent uranium centers. Recently, we have synthesized tetravalent uranium complexes with reduced pyridine(diimine) ligands. The electrons stored in these ligands facilitate multi-electron reactivity, enabling the synthesis of unprecedented uranium imido [U(NR)x] complexes with unique electronic structures. Accordingly, these results will be contrasted with attempts to generate these unique species in the absence of the redox-active ligand. Full characterization of the multiply bonded species, including interesting structural parameters, will also be discussed.


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