Second Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Computation (CISC) Lunchtime Matchmaking Seminar




129 Robert A. Pritzker Science Center (LS 129)


Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Computation (CISC)


The second lunchtime matchmaking seminar features two talks:

, chair and professor of applied mathematics

Energetic Variational Approaches in Transport and Diffusion.
In the talk, I will explore the underlying mechanism governing various general diffusion processes. We will employ a general framework of energetic variational approaches, consisting of in particular, Onsager's Maximum Dissipation Principles, and their specific applications in biology and physiology. We will discuss the roles of different stochastic integrals (Ito's form, Stratonovich's form and other possible forms), and the procedure of optimal transport in the context of general framework of theories of linear responses. I will highlight how the mathematical analysis out to inform the numerical computation.

, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science

Computing: From Compute-Centric to Data-Centric
Computing has changed from compute-centric to data-centric. Data movement becomes the major concern of computation. In this introduction talk we first review the design principle of parallel numerical algorithms, and then discuss data access concerns of these algorithms. Finally, we will introduce some of the current solutions of memory and I/O systems design, and the new concepts of memory-bounded and data-concurrency for algorithm design and system support.

To attend, please RSVP at by noon on Friday, September 29. Lunch is provided.
