Stochastic and Multiscale Modeling and Computation Seminar by Alexey Cheskidov: Dissipation Anomaly for Long Time Averages




RE 102

Speaker: Alexey Cheskidov, UIC

Title: Dissipation anomaly for long time averages

Abstract: In turbulent flows, the energy injected at forced low modes (large scales) cascades to small scales through the inertial range where viscous effects are negligible, and only dissipates above Kolmogorov鈥檚 dissipation wavenumber. The persistence of the energy flux through the inertial range is what constitutes dissipation anomaly for viscous fluid flows as well as anomalous dissipation for the limiting inviscid flows. We first analyze these intrinsically linked phenomena on a finite time interval and prove the existence of various scenarios in the limit of vanishing viscosity, ranging from the total dissipation anomaly to a pathological one where anomalous dissipation occurs without dissipation anomaly, as well as the existence of infinitely many limiting solutions of the Euler equations in the limit of vanishing viscosity. Finally, expanding on the obtained total dissipation anomaly construction, we show the existence of dissipation anomaly for long time averages, relevant for turbulent flows, proving that the Doering-Foias upper bound is sharp.


Stochastic and Multiscale Modeling and Computation Seminar


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