2015 Lewis College Commencement photos


  • Graduates in the Humanities and Social Sciences ceremony.
  • Center for Research and Service Director George Langlois.
  • The Psychology Department ceremony.
  • Kaysha Henry was chosen to speak on behalf of the undergraduate Psychology students.
  • Amanda Easton was chosen to speak on behalf of the graduating Psychology graduate students.
  • Andrea G. Velasquez Duran received her B.S. in Professional and Technical Communication.
  • Asma Awad received her B.S. in Humanities.
  • Chris Roberts received his B.S. in Journalism of Technology, Science, and Business.
  • Anika Davis received her B.S. in Political Science.
  • Valeria Garza received her B.S. in Political Science.
  • Kelly Ann Shaefer received her Ph.D. in Technical Communication.
  • Dr. Eun-Jeong Lee and Wing Man Fong (Ph.D.)
  • Psychology Department Chair Ron Landis and Analy Bahena.
  • Psychology Department Chair Ron Landis and Bobbie Bowman.
  • Psychology Department Chair Ron Landis and Maria Garcia.
  • Psychology Department Chair Ron Landis and Xi Fang.
  • Psychology Department Chair Ron Landis and Lauren Ruben (M.S.).
  • Dean of Lewis College Chris Himes gives remarks.
  • The Humanities Department graduates.
  • The Social Sciences Department undergraduate graduates.
  • Those who received a graduate degree from the Humanities Department.
  • Katie Peters (M.S. in Professional and Technical Communication) adjusts her mortar board.
  • A proud mother admires her daughter's diploma.
  • Anndrien茅 Bell (B.S. in Political Science) enjoys the post-graduation reception.

On May 16, 2015, Lewis College celebrated its graduates in two ceremonies; one for the Department of Psychology and one for the Departments of Humanities and Social Sciences jointly. Here is a small sampling of the photos from that day. And view all the photos from commencement here

Congratulations graduates!