Applied Mathematics Department Hosts a Visiting Scholar with a Grant from American Mathematical Society (AMS)


The Department of Applied Mathematics will host Visiting Professor Wei Wang, Nanjing University, China, for one month during the 2017-2018 academic year. Wang will conduct joint research with our faculty members in dynamics of stochastic partial differential equations with applications. The grant supports the visit.

The AMS Fan Fund China Exchange program was established with a generous gift from Ky and Yu-Fen Fan to support various forms of exchange between the Chinese and the United States and Canadian mathematical communities. In 1999, Fan and his wife Yan Youfen donated $1 million to the , to set up the .

Professor Fan (September 19, 1914 – March 22, 2010) was an American mathematician and Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). Fan made fundamental contributions to operator and matrix theory, convex analysis and inequalities, linear and nonlinear programming, topology and fixed point theory, and topological groups. His work in fixed point theory, in addition to influencing nonlinear functional analysis, has found wide application in mathematical economics and game theory, potential theory, calculus of variations, and differential equations. Fan was well-known for the Ky Fan norm, Ky Fan inequality and Ky Fan lemma.