art @ IIT Presents: An Earthly Canvas


µç³µÎÞÂë, IL — September 15, 2005 —

art @ IIT will host "An Earthly Canvas", an exhibit of the art of satellite imagery highlighting the work of Larry Ammann and Stuart Black. Using Earth as their canvas, they offer two differing interpretations in this emerging art form. From this unique perspective, over 400 miles above the Earth, they challenge the notion of place and familiarity. Some of the locations will surprise you, even more will amaze you. An artist reception will be held Thursday, September 22 at 4:30 pm in the Kemper Room Art Gallery in the Paul V. Galvin Library, 35 West 33rd Street.

The exhibit will run through October 30, 2005. Hours are Monday - Thursday: noon - 10 pm; Friday: noon - 5 pm; Saturday: 8:30 am - 5 pm; and Sunday: 2 - 10 pm.

Both artists' work is derived from digital data from satellites, 438 miles (705 km) above the earth. The digital data measures surface radiation across seven bands of the electromagnetic spectrum - three visible and four in the infrared region. Colors are assigned to this data using complex algorithms that are designed to highlight the variety of topographic features observed. Using a Japanese/NASA satellite called Terra, Larry's approach and interpretation is to reveal the unique compositions, shapes, and colors of the Earth that are hidden in the data while still retaining recognizable topographic features. Stuart, using similar data with an American satellite called Landsat, creates images that are more in an abstract or impressionist style.

This exhibit covers a diverse selection of the earth; urban areas, deserts, rainforests, mountains, rivers, and oceans. Many of these will be familiar to you, so much so, that each image will only include latitude and longitude. The gallery will include a world map where you can try to locate each image, along with a key containing a description and title to help you interpret features that may serve as clues. Can you identify all the locations? How well do you know our Earth? How different is their perspective high above from ours?

The work of Larry Ammann and Stuart Black is represented by Josh Schwartz, ABOV Gallery, µç³µÎÞÂë.

art @ IIT
ABOV Gallery

Founded in 1890, IIT is a Ph.D.-granting technological university awarding degrees in the sciences, mathematics and engineering, as well as architecture, psychology, design, business and law. IIT’s interprofessional, technology-focused curriculum prepares the university’s 6,200 students for leadership roles in an increasingly complex and culturally diverse global workplace.