ChBE Student Wins American Chemical Society Award


Armour College of Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering (ChBE) student Sylwia Odrzywolska received an undergraduate award from the American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Environmental Chemistry. Sylwia was one of 21 students in the United States to receive this prestigious honor. The award consists of a one year membership in the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry and an award certificate.

She was nominated for the award because of her dedication, perseverance, and willingness to keep exploring while she developed a low-cost, open source potentiostat. Despite her course load and extracurricular activities, Sylwia found time to order parts, learn how to solder, and consult other experts when developing her device. At the Sylwia earned her spot as the overall winner of the Water Theme for the work she put into her potentiostat.