

Several hundred students from Brazil will have the opportunity to experience summer in µç³µÎÞÂë while completing research projects at IIT. Faculty and staff in the School of Applied Technology/Industrial Technology and Management (INTM) and Information Technology and Management (INTM) Programs, and Armour College of Engineering, Lewis College of Science, and Architecture are busy preparing to welcome the students. They will be coming to IIT under the auspices of the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program (BSMP), an initiative of the Brazilian government that provides scholarships for Brazilians to study engineering at an American University, and to complete research projects as part of their curriculum while in the U.S.

In summer ’14, 30 BSMP students came to INTM. One year later, the School of Applied Technology (SAT) has accepted 190 students in 11 special project courses, and Armour College of Engineering has filled 550 spots in 76 different research projects.

IIT has added a number of research course options to the usual summer offerings in order to accommodate as many BSMP students as possible. Yet, the overwhelming number of requests from BSMP students to study at IIT has exceeded our capacity, and all SAT and Armour summer projects are now full.

All BSMP students who have received a course placement should immediately complete all required forms, make sure they are registered, and apply for housing. Additional details will be coming soon on our websites.