Louis F. McHugh IV, ITM Adjunct Associate Industry Professor recently spoke along with the FBI on “Cyber Risk and Security Issues: Is Your Business Fully Prepared?”


Cyber-attacks are quickly becoming one of the nation’s biggest and most sinister economic threats. No business is immune. Small and medium businesses are in the cybercrime cross-hairs largely because many lack the time, budget and expertise to coordinate an effective security solution and making them targets to cybercriminals. Understanding what is at risk and how a breach would affect your company are the first steps to protecting your business.

was recently joined by Daniel Wierzbicki, FBI for a West Suburban Bank event to help people learn ways to protect their business. The theme was Cybersecurity: Keep Your Business Running.

Topics Presented at the Seminar:

  • The latest world-wide and national trends on Cybersecurity threats impacting the general business community and the related organized crime that fuels these threats
  • Hackers - Who are they? What motivates them and the methods typically used
  • Security strategy using layered controls and security technologies available
  • Cash management security controls. Methods to limit risk and help prevent fraudulent ACH and Wire activity
  • ID theft and other potential scams

Keynote Speakers:

Daniel Wierzbicki, FBI - Mr. Wierzbicki joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation in March 2004 where he investigated criminal cyber intrusions at the Washington Field Office. In 2011, he was promoted to Supervisory Special Agent at FBI Headquarters investigating National Security intrusions across the United States. Shortly after, SSA Wierzbicki was promoted to Unit Chief of National Security at FBI Headquarters.

Louis F. McHugh IV - is an Adjunct Associate Industry Professor of Information Technology and Management. He is currently the Computer Systems Manager at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and provides support for the School of Applied Technology. has extensive knowledge and has taught courses in Networking and Data Communications, Operating Systems Virtualization and Cyber Warfare. His areas of focus are Cybersecurity, Cyber Warfare, Cyber Crime, Virtualization Security and Steganography.