Physics Undergraduate Adam Denchfield Wins Research Internship at Argonne Lab


Adam Denchfield, third year physics major, has received a prestigious internship for summer 2017 with the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Lab under the Student Research Participation (SRP) program. His project will involve theoretical modeling of transport in superconductors. Denchfield participated in superconducting thin film research last summer in the research group of John Zasadzinski, Paul and Suzi Schutt Endowed Chair of Science.

Under the direction of Todd Munson, project supervisor, Denchfield will perform numerical studies as part of the 鈥淥ptimizing superconductor transport properties through large-scale simulation (OSCon)鈥 SciDAC (Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing) project. The main objective of this project is to develop and apply novel methods for optimizing superconductors for energy applications using large-scale computational algorithms and tools. Denchfield will apply numerical optimization tools in PETSc/TAO problems involving the design of superconductors with high critical currents.