
Canvas tools such as Quizzes and Assignments allow instructors to easily create online exams.

Think Creatively When Creating Quizzes!

  • Review your courses’ learning objectives; think outside the box to remotely assess student achievement of these goals
  • Consider a variety of alternatives; to address concerns about test security, online exam options could include a final project; open-book/open-notes exam; shorter, more frequent, lower stakes online exams using Canvas Quizzes; or an oral exam through Zoom within your Canvas course site — scheduled in individual 20–30-minute appointments
  • Collaborative projects create a more student-centered learning environment and give students an opportunity to practice and demonstrate teamwork skills
  • Conduct authentic Quizzes (i.e., assessment involving real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills) to achieve the course learning goals

Address Accessibility

Work with the Center for Disability Resources (CDR) to ensure that all accommodation requests are addressed appropriately. With or without a formal accommodations request on file, make sure that your exams are inclusive and accessible for all students by using principles of universal design for learning; one example is giving an extended time period for all students in which to complete an exam.