
The 1990s


  • Anneliese von Mayrhauser was featured in two separate articles in the Daily Herald newspaper.
  • Charles Bauer was profiled in Technology News. He encouraged students to keep up with technological change by learning how to learn.
    Charlie Bauer
    Charlie Bauer


  • Senior CS student David Dreyer was one of three students selected by NSF to give a presentation on work he did with Ilene Burnstein and Bob Carlson under the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. He discussed an algorithm for converting a relational database into a nested entity relationship model.


  • As part of the reorganization of main campus into the Lewis College of Liberal Arts and the Armour College of Engineering & Sciences, the CS department became part of Armour College.


Martha Evens
  • The ACM held a seminar on Women and Computer Science. Seven speakers, including Bob Carlson and Martha Evens, discussed topics such as the number of women in CS, societal and unconscious personal pressure on women, the glass ceiling, and the need to network with fellow professionals.
  • CS grad student George Smith's computer simulation of horse racing was featured in The Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times and other publications.
  • The CS department and the IIT Alumni Association co-hosted the IIT 100, a competition for high school and college students that required teams to build and run miniature cars using a kit of parts.


  • Martha Evens was one of two winners of the prestigious Julia Beveridge Award, given to women who provide outstanding service to the Illinois Tech community.


  • Illinois Tech's student ACM organization was highlighted in Technology News. At the time, the ACM provided students, staff, and student organizations with access to email, the Web, FTP, and USENET news services.
  • Xian-He Sun joined the faculty to boost its efforts in parallel and distributed computing. He is the current department chair, having served since 2009.


  • As part of a reorganization of Illinois Tech's academic and administrative departments, the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics departments were merged into the CSAM department.


  • The student ACM organization and CSAM department sponsored two RobotWars tournaments. Participants wrote programs for simulated robots, which fought in a simulated arena.


  • IIT opened a branch in Bangalore, India; since then, IIT India has become a significant source of CS graduate students.
  • Bob Carlson was profiled in Technology News. He discussed improving the quality of education using such approaches as IITV and laboratory courses.
  • The student ACM organization was profiled in Technology News. Topics included guest talks and events such as the annual programming competition and RobotWars.


  • The CSAM department was split back into separate Computer Science and Applied Mathematics departments, to give each discipline its own well-defined department.