Norma Scagnoli

  • Vice Provost for Learning Innovation
  • Director, Center for Learning Innovation

Dr. Norma Scagnoli is the Inaugural Vice Provost of Learning Innovation at the Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech). She leads the Center for Learning Innovation and spearheads the development and delivery of new online programs. She started at Illinois Tech in August 2023 and has overseen the launch of three master's degrees and a bachelor's completion program through a partnership with Coursera, reaching thousands of learners worldwide. Dr. Scagnoli is committed to creating engaging and effective online learning experiences that cater to the needs and aspirations of lifelong learners.

Dr. Scagnoli's journey in online education spans over two decades, a testament to her deep-rooted understanding and mastery in designing, implementing, and evaluating online learning initiatives. Her extensive experience instills confidence in her ability to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of online education.

Before joining Illinois Tech, she was the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Learning Innovations at Northeastern University in Boston; and  Research Associate Professor at the College of Education, and CLO in the College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where she led online project developments.  Her expertise extends to instructional design, data storytelling, and innovative programs and initiatives, including the design of programs at scale and building alternative credentials for non-traditional learners. She boasts a robust academic background, holding a PhD in Human Resource Development and a Master's degree in Education.

Her contributions to the field of online learning through numerous publications and presentations reflect her passion for educational innovation and her commitment to advancing the field through research and practice.


  • Ph.D. in Human Resource Development, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Masters in Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Bachelor of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Profesorado Gabriela Mistral, Villa Maria, Cordoba, Argentina

Research Interests

Digital Pedagogies, Adult Education, Innovation in Higher Education


Selected Peer Reviewed Publications (*)

Echambadi, R., Saiyed, A., Scagnoli, N. I., & Viswanathan, M. (2022). Launching an Online Business Program at Scale: A Retrospective Case Study of Disruptive Innovation Before the Pandemic. Journal of Management Education.

Scagnoli, N. I., & Graham-Rent, S. M. (2021). Common Practices in the Creation of Educational Videos. Revista de Educação e Pesquisa em Contabilidade (REPeC), 15(2).

Choo, J., Scagnoli, N. I., Bakir, N. (2019), Using the Community of Inquiry framework to understand students’ learning experience in online undergraduate business courses. TechTrends. DOI 10.1007/s11528-019-00444-9

Scagnoli, N. I., Choo, J. and Tian, J. (2017), Students' insights on the use of video lectures in online classes. British Journal of Educ Technol. doi:10.1111/bjet.12572

Scagnoli, N.I., & Verdinelli, S. (2017) Editors’ Perspective on the use of Visual Displays in Qualitative Studies. The Qualitative Report, 22(7),1945-1963. Retrieved from

Anand, G., Chhajed, D., Hong, S., & Scagnoli., N.I. (2014) Introducing Mobile Technology in Graduate Professional Education. E-Learning and Digital Media 11 (6) doi: 10.2304

Scagnoli, N.I., Yontz, R., & Choo, J. (2014) Successful Use of CALL Software: An Investigation in Higher Education. E-Learning and Digital Media 11 (3) doi: 10.2304

Verdinelli, S., & Scagnoli, N.I. (2013) Data Display in Qualitative Research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2013(12), 359-381

Seufferheld, M.,& Scagnoli, N. I. (2011) Web Conferencing and ICTs to Enhance Undergraduate Science Teaching. E-Learning and Digital Media. doi: 10.2304

Scagnoli, N.I. & Packard, C. (2011, February) Improving a blended delivery model in a large enrollment business course. Proceedings of the 2011 Conference Academy of Human Resource Development, µç³µÎÞÂë, IL


Scagnoli, N.I. (Ed) (2018). Opening pathways to innovative educational practices [Abriendo caminos hacia  prácticas educativas innovadoras]. San Luis, Argentina: Nueva Editorial Universitaria, UNSL.

Willging, P., Astudillo, G., Francia, A., Scagnoli, N.I. (2011) Aprediendo con Tecnologias 1Ed. Santa Rosa: Universidad Nacional de La Pampa ISBN 978-950-863-148-0 Book Site: http://aprendiendo-con

Book Chapters

Scagnoli, N., & Maurer, M. (2021). Horizontal Scaling: How Experience in MOOC Programs Helped a College Strategy in Emergency Response. In Y. Gazi & N. Baker (Eds.), Moving Horizontally: New Dimensions of at-Scale Learning in the Time of COVID-19 (pp. 23-38). Atlanta, GA: Georgia Institute of Technology.

Scagnoli, N.I. (2018) Evaluation in courses using ICTs [Evaluación y TIC]. In N . I . Scagnoli, (Ed) (2018). Opening pathways to innovative educational practices [Abriendo caminos hacia prácticas educativas innovadoras]. San Luis, Argentina: Nueva Editorial Universitaria, UNSL.

Scagnoli, N.I. (2015) Blended Learning o la Convergencia de lo Presencial y lo Virtual. In Micheli, J. (Ed) (2015) Educación virtual y universidad, un modelo de evolución. Azcapotzalco, Mx: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

Scagnoli, N. I., McKinney, A., & Moore-Reynen, J. (2015). Video Lectures in eLearning. In F. Nafukho, & B. Irby (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Innovative Technology Integration in Higher Education (pp. 115-134). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978- 1-4666-8170- 5.ch006

Scagnoli, N.I. (2010) Blended Learning. In Fainholc, B. (2012) Aprendizaje electrónico mixto.: El blended learning como propuesta educativa de síntesis creativa para la educación superior. Editorial Académica Española.

Additional Info

Selected Research and Evaluation Projects

Principal Researcher (PI)

Human Interaction With Automation, Artificial Intelligence, And Other Technologies In Safety Critical Workplaces (2019-2021)

Student Engagement in Online Courses (2016-2020)

Online pedagogy in Business Education (2014-2017)

Online Pedagogies: Students’ Perceptions of Effectiveness of Micro-Lectures in Online Courses, (2014-2016) Funded by Provost’s Initiative on Teaching Advancement (PITA). • Mobile Learning in Graduate Professional Education (2011- 2012) Funded by Office of Dean and Technology Management Program. College of Business. University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign

Evaluation of Online Graduate Program Implementation. Research funded by School of Education, Universidad de San Andres, Argentina (2010-2012)

Co Researcher

Disclosure and Stigma in Online Environment: Perceptions of Students with Disabilities and Staff Who Work in Disability Units in Higher Education, Walden University’s Research & Application for Social Change Grant. PI: Verdinelli, S. (2018-2019)

Emerging technologies and pedagogies: key for retention, inclusion and graduation in higher education settings. [Tecnologías y pedagogías emergentes, herramientas claves para la inclusión, retención y egreso de los estudiantes] (2018-2021) PROICO 14-6218 / 22/I 827 – PI: Graciela A. Bertazzi, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina.

Inter-institutionalization (Collaboration) of Higher Education using ICTs [Interinstitucionalización de la Educación Superior y las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación .] (2012-2014) REDES - Secretary of Higher Education Policies - Ministry of Education - Argentina

Conference Presentations(*)

Verdinelli, S., & Scagnoli, N.I. (2024, May) The Invisible Wall: Disclosure and Stigma in Online Learning for Students with Disabilities, Virtual Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,, May 29-31, 2024 In Conference Proceedings p. 54.

Verdinelli, S. & Scagnoli, N.I. (January 12-14, 2021) Infographics and the Representation of Qualitative Research Findings. In The Qualitative Report (TQR) 12th Annual Conference, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA

Scagnoli, N.I., Hsiao, H.; Moore-Reynen, J. (2019, September) Design and Technology for Scale. Affordable Degrees at Scale Symposium, Georgia Tech, Global Learning Center, Atlanta, GA.

Scagnoli, N.I. (2019, April) Building Presence and Engagement in Online Learning, VII Coursera Partners’ Conference, University of London, London, UK.

Scagnoli, N. I. (2018, April) MOOCs and MOOC Based Programs: Learnings and Explorations. In 2018 USDLA National Conference. Indianapolis, IN: United States Distance Learning Association

Media Appearances