
Pet Emergency Kit

Disasters can happen unexpectedly and anywhere. It's important to ask ourselves: are we prepared, and are our furry friends prepared too?

Having essential items like food, water, medications, and identification for your pet can alleviate stress and allow you to focus on your own safety and that of your pet. Additionally, being prepared demonstrates responsible pet ownership and ensures you can provide necessary care regardless of the circumstances.

Consider the following items to add to your Furry Friend Emergency Kit.

  • Food (at least 3 days worth)
  • Water (at least 3 days worth)
  • Medication
  • Animal first aid kit (talk to your vet to find out what items would be best suited for your pet)
  • Collar with Identification tags
  • Vaccination Records
  • Picture of you and your furry friend (just in case you get separated)
  • Leash
  • Food and water bowl
  • Sanitation items (plastic trash bags, pet litter/box, cleaning spray)
  • Grooming items (shampoo and brush)
  • Familiar items (blanket and toys)

Remember it's not just about having an emergency kit, but having an emergency plan. Be sure to do the following to ensure your pet is safe.

  • Have an evacuation plan for your pet
    • Know how you plan to get them out of the building
    • Think about where you can go if you and your pet do not have access to your place of residence (friends, relatives, hotel)
  • Always have a crate, even if they do not use it
  • Microchip your pet
  • Make sure Identification tags are up to date
  • Ensure your pet's vaccinations are up to date