
Human Resources

E.1 Employee Conduct and Responsibilities

Policy No. E. 1.00

Date of Issue 7/2/2014

The university expects its employees to follow certain rules that promote and protect their own safety and well-being and that of other employees, students, and visitors as well as university property and reputation. Additional rules or more specific expectations may be set by individual departments.

Standard rules to be followed by employees as a condition of employment include:


Employees are expected to report to work clean and well-groomed wearing attire appropriate to the job. Where there is a prescribed uniform, employees are expected to wear the complete uniform while on duty. Uniforms or other items issued by the university are to be properly maintained and not used for other activities outside of the university.


Employees are expected to be at work and on time each scheduled day. Lunch and break periods are to be observed, and employees are expected to remain until the end of the workday. Days off should be scheduled well in advance with the approval of the supervisor. Frequent unplanned absences regardless if paid, may subject the employee to disciplinary action. Failure to report an absence for three consecutive work days constitutes job abandonment. Additional detailed requirements on tardiness and time off are contained in this Handbook.


Children are not permitted at work during working hours unless they are attending a university event, program, internship or offering. The lack of child care is not an acceptable reason for an employee to bring his/her child to work.


Conflict of Interest
The following general statement of policy applies to all officers of administration, deans, directors, department heads, and principal investigators on research projects. Further, it is intended to serve as the guidance of all persons employed by the university, regardless of position. The university鈥檚 official Conflict of Interest Policies should be reviewed.


Fiduciary Responsibility

Covered employees have an obligation to act as fiduciaries of the university. All business decisions made for the university are to be made solely on the basis of a desire to promote the best interests of the university in serving its students and the academic community.



Disclosure is required of each covered employee concerning all relationships and business affiliations that reasonably could give rise to a conflict of interest involving the university. This disclosure shall be continuously reported and kept current, as generally set forth below, if the staff member or a member of his or her family is:

a.an officer, director, trustee, partner, employee, agent or substantial stockholder (5 percent or more of voting stock or control interest) of an organization doing business with the university;
b.materially benefitted through substantial receipt of cash or other property (exclusive of dividends or interest) from such organization.

Disclosure of affiliation of a family member should be made if it is felt that any affiliation may create a conflict of interest with the university.

Again, the above is a general summary of a covered employee鈥檚 disclosure obligations. Such employees should consult the official Conflict of Interest Policies as they will control in all instances.


Requirements for Disclosure
Each officer of administration, dean, director, department head, and principal investigator shall complete a required form annually and return it to the Office of the General Counsel.

If new affiliations occur which may result in a conflict of interest, a supplemental disclosure is to be made.

The following are examples of activities that could create a conflict of interest for the university employee. This list is not exhaustive:

a.To disclose or use confidential university information for personal profit or advantage;
b.To accept a gift from a vendor other than those of a nominal value (nominal value is defined as one that does not exceed $250); click  to reference the university鈥檚 policy on the Prohibition on the Acceptance of Gifts;
c.To accept hotel stays, trips or other travel-related benefits for their own personal benefit;
d.To accept a cash gift or cash equivalent (e.g. gift card);
e.To purchase goods or services from a vendor who is a close personal friend or relative, without first disclosing the relationship; and
f.To have a financial interest in a vendor, other than a publicly traded company, with whom IIT has a business relationship, without prior permission

The university has adopted competitive bidding guidelines to select vendors. (See Procurement Policy .)


Employees must maintain and safeguard the confidentiality of all student, personnel and financial data and records. (See the policy on Confidentiality and Intellectual Property which is set forth in the Employment Practices section of this Handbook for specific details.)


Interpersonal Relationships
Employees are expected to work cooperatively with one another to deliver the highest level of service to faculty, staff, students and other constituents. (See also the university鈥檚 Social-Media Policy by clicking, .)


Job Performance
Employees are expected to carry out their job responsibilities to the best of their ability. This includes accepting supervisory direction, effective service-oriented interactions with others, teamwork and maintaining the required quality and quantity of work..


Employees are expected to follow university parking regulations as established by the Parking Office.


Unless otherwise allowed by law (e.g. service animals) pets are not allowed in university buildings.


Personal Data
Employees are responsible for maintaining accurate personal data in the HRIS system and updating such data as appropriate.


Photo Identification Cards
Each employee is expected to carry his/her ID card to work each day.


Political Activity
Consistent with IRS regulations applicable to 501(c)(3) entities, such as the university, employees may not use any university resources, including, but not limited to, telephones and the email system, in furtherance of any partisan cause or in favor of or against a candidate for office or ballot measure. Employees also may not engage in partisan activities or in activities for or against a candidate for office or ballot measures while at work or at any time in their official capacity.


Each employee is responsible for performing his/her responsibilities in a safe manner that will not endanger the employee or others. Employees are expected to follow safety and health rules, wear and use personal protective equipment as needed and instructed, and promptly report accidents.


Sales and Solicitations on Campus
The sale or solicitation of merchandise or services on university property is prohibited, except through university authorized and operated channels. Examples of prohibited sale or solicitation activities include personal contact, disseminating literature or advertising materials, posting advertising material on bulletin boards, and distributing through the campus post office. This applies to faculty, staff members and students acting for themselves or on behalf of any department or organization, as well as outside salespersons or solicitors. The university email system should not be used for sale or solicitation purposes. For the purpose of clarification, sales and solicitations refer to efforts aimed at advancing any for profit or commercial transaction, raising funds for a not-for-profit charitable or religious entity or engaging in political activity inconsistent with the university's 501(c)(3) status.


Employees are expected to cooperate fully with Public Safety Officers and authorized administrative personnel.


Sexual Harassment
The university prohibits conduct by any employee which can be considered sexual harassment. The university has a sexual harassment policy to promote an educational and employment environment free of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment as defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal law. (See the university鈥檚 Sexual Harassment Policy .)


Sexual Misconduct
This conduct is a violent form of sexual harassment which includes: sexual assault; dating violence; sexual exploitation; and stalking. The university is committed to providing an education and employment environment that is safe, secure and free of sexual misconduct as defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal law. (See the university鈥檚 Sexual Misconduct Policy by clicking .)


A No Smoking Policy, which can be viewed , is in effect and prohibits smoking in all university buildings. Employees are expected to follow any and all posted signs regarding smoking outside of buildings.


Substance Dependency/Misuse
Employees are responsible for complying with the university's Drug-Free Workplace/Substance Abuse Prevention policy. Reference the policy .


University Property
Employees are accountable for the safekeeping and proper use of such items such as ID cards, keys, tools, pagers, or other equipment which are issued to them or which they use in the course of carrying out their responsibilities. Records, whether hard copy or electronic, are also university property and must be maintained in accordance with the university鈥檚 Record and Email Retention Policy, which can be viewed .

Items and services such as personal computers and Internet access, photocopiers, fax machines, telephones and postal privileges are not intended for personal use and must be used in accordance with the university鈥檚 policy on the Use of Technology Resources, which can be viewed . Computer files, desks, lockers or other areas assigned to the employee for temporary storage of personal effects are university property and are subject to inspection for cause by authorized administrative personnel.


In general, friends and relatives of employees should not be allowed prolonged visits during working hours.


University policy, which can be viewed , prohibits the possession of firearms and weapons on its campus regardless of whether the owner possesses a concealed carry permit or other license. Employees are expected to follow any and all posted signs regarding the prohibition of firearms and weapons on the university鈥檚 campus.