
Design and Development of Medical Devices

Faculty: Abhinav Bhushan

Format: Live, online classes

Structure: Six – two hour sessions over six weeks

This course will present fundamentals of medical devices including development of devices, regulatory issues, and technologies such as MEMS and microfluidics that are used to develop these devices. It will provide a broad view of the field and knowledge of sensor technologies including point of care devices. We will answer questions such as -

  • How do we identify unmet needs for medical devices?
  • How can we integrate engineering and biological principles to develop medical devices? 
  • What are the important regulatory aspects that govern medical devices in the US and beyond?
  • What is the science behind cutting-edge medical devices including cochlear implants, ingestible devices, pain-free needles, cardiovascular pressure monitoring and more?
  • What are the design principles behind medical devices and sensors related to medical sciences?

The class will cover case studies to discuss life cycle development of medical devices, learning from successes and failures. The course will include individual projects and critical reviews in which each learner will be encouraged to master concepts and become domain experts in medical devices. The students will have the opportunity to integrate their learning through a project.

Our open enrollment courses will begin in early February of 2022. Please contact us to learn more about starting dates, schedule, and how to enroll (OPCE@iit.edu).