
Four centers operate within the Pritzker Institute.


ICSSE - International Center for Sensor Science and Engineering

International Center for Sensor Science and Engineering
ICSSE performs basic and applied research in developing chemical and biological sensing systems with novel materials and unique sensing platforms. The center provides the state-of-the-art facilities and the expertise in sensor research. The research outcome will benefit the society and improve the quality of life through a cleaner environment, more efficient energy usage, earlier diagnosis and effective treatment of diseases, and safer food.


BioCAT - Biophysics Collaborative Access Team

BioCAT is a National Institutes of Health-supported X-ray facility located at the Advanced Photon Source in Argonne, Illinois, for the study of partially ordered and disordered biological materials. Techniques supported by BioCAT include scanning hard X-ray microprobe for metal distribution and speciation in tissues; fiber diffraction and micro-diffraction of muscle, connective tissue, amyloids, and viruses; and small-angle X-ray scattering from macromolecules in solution. The BioCAT facility comprises an undulator-based beamline, (18-ID) associated laboratory, and computational facilities. Access is available to all scientists on the basis of peer-reviewed beamtime proposals.


ECDRE - Biophysics Collaborative Access Team

Engineering Center for Diabetes Research and Education
This first-of-its-kind diabetes research and education center studies the means for better detection, treatment, and cure of diabetes and its complications through efforts related to microcirculatory abnormalities, sugar metabolism, accelerated cardiovascular disease, and diabetic retinopathy.


uCoSM - Center for Molecular Study of Condensed Soft Matter

Center for Molecular Study of Condensed Soft Matter
Research at uCoSM focuses on the connection between molecular structure and macroscopic properties of condensed soft matter, both synthetic and biological. Current activities include the modeling and simulation of intracellular protein and DNA dynamics, mechanical properties of the cytoskeleton, synthetic polymer property modeling, and membranes and membrane proteins.