Essential Spend Guidance

In keeping with the goals of the Board approved budget plan for Fiscal Year 2023, the university requires that all departments adhere to “Essential Spending Only” guidelines for all operational spending (non-compensation) until further notice. “Essential spending” is defined as only that which is necessary to successfully deliver student programming in an online environment, ongoing sponsored research, and ensuring that strategic long-term goals are met under the prioritization of the Provost.

Centralized Purchasing

Supplies that are in high demand including masks, gloves, and sanitizers have been procured in bulk centrally and can be ordered from an internal store via HawkWorks. Many are free of charge.

Frequently Asked Questions

I wish to attend a conference in conjunction with my externally-funded research. I noticed that conference expenses are not considered Essential Spending. Can I still attend the conference if the expenses will be charged to my research grant?

Yes. Allowable conference and related expenses may still be charged to the grant as per your awarding agency’s current guidelines. Essential spend guidelines do not apply to grant-funded activities.

Can I purchase extra hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, and PPE for my department?

Extra cleaning products and PPE has been procured centrally, and you can obtain it at no cost to your department via HawkWorks.

My research is supported by an endowed fund. Does that mean that it will be discontinued this year?

We must leverage our endowment to support our operations. Many endowed funds are able to support operations, and can be allocated to expenses that fall within essential spend guidelines. If your endowment fund can be used for an operating expense within essential spend guidelines, it must be used in that way.

In some cases, endowments are very restrictive and must support a very specific activity, and in those cases we understand that some spending outside essential spend guidelines might have to occur to satisfy the donor's intent. If your work is supported by an endowment draw that is restricted in purpose to a specific project, you may carry out the project per the donor's wishes. Please work with your college administration to understand the total earnings available this year.

When I joined the University I received a start-up package to spend at my discretion. Are those funds subject to the Essential Spend Guidance outlined in the June 18th memo?

Start-up funds must be budgeted and those budgets must be approved by the Provost’s Office. If your budget is approved, you may spend up to that budgeted amount. The specific expenses need not adhere to the essential spending guidance, but the provost strongly encourages spending within those guidelines and in support of the strategic plan. If you have questions about your budgets, please contact Pat Grow in the Provost’s Office.

Is reimbursement for expert witness reimbursement?

Expenses related to the law clinic including expenses for expert witnesses are budgeted separately. To the extent that they are budgeted and the budget has been approved, these expenses are allowable.

What if we have a revenue generating activity like external education. If the revenue exceeds the operational cost, would the cost be considered essential?

If a program is revenue generating, please submit a full program budget to the Dean or division head showing planned revenue and expenses. The program and related budget documents will need approval from the Provost and VP of Finance.

Do the essential spend guidelines apply to capital expenses?

Yes. If you incur capital expenses that are within essential spend guidelines, please be sure to allocate to the correct accounts to ensure proper accounting.