
Travel and Employee Reimbursements

Whenever possible, travel expenses should be paid using the Concur Online booking tool or a University P-Card.

Use of personal funds is allowed for the purpose of allowable goods when logistical or extenuating circumstances occur that preclude the use of a PO or P-Card. The purchase of allowable goods using personal funds in excess of $500 is prohibited unless it is the only viable alternative given the circumstances. Services may not be procured with personal funds, excluding travel-related services such as dining, ground transportation, etc. Travel and expense reimbursements are processed through Accounts Payable and paid via Direct Deposit every other week on Wednesdays.

A Buy It Expense Claim is to be used for both travel and miscellaneous employee expense reimbursements. One expense claim should be used per business trip. The expense claim must be submitted via Buy It within 60 days of incurring the expense(s).

Please review the Unimarket Help Document: for detailed guidance on how to complete an expense claim in Buy It. Please note that staff and faculty members are encouraged to use for purchase of products and services.

Individuals should neither gain nor lose personal funds while conducting business on behalf of the University; therefore, only actual expenses will be reimbursed. Please note that it is the responsibility of each traveler, as well as the supervisor approving the expenses, to comply with the provisions of the J3. Travel Policy, which is posted on the IIT General Counsel's website.


  • All single expenditures of $75 and greater need to be accompanied by original receipts documenting proof of payment, except for sponsored research/grant-related funds, in which case a receipt is required for each and every transaction regardless of dollar amount
  • Foreign travel charged to a federal grant requires the use of a U.S. flag air carrier for international travel in accordance with the Fly America Act. Please refer to the J3. Travel Policy (II. A. 3) for more details.