
Preferred and Contract Vendors

Please see below the current list of Illinois Tech university-wide Preferred Suppliers and links to detailed information on how to purchase from them. This is a work in progress list and more contracts will be established and information provided as we continue to develop the Preferred Suppliers program in conjunction with Buy It eProcurement implementation.

CategoryPreferred Vendor NameContract TypeContract Status
Preferred Copier / Printer Equipment Leasing and Maintenance ProgramImagetecCompetitively Bid - Illinois TechActive
Office Supplies and Related ProductsWarehouse DirectCompetitively Bid - Illinois TechActive
Desktops and Laptops - Illinois Tech StandardsCDW-GCompetitively Negotiated - Illinois TechActive
IT Peripheral Products and SuppliesCDW-GCompetitively Negotiated - Illinois TechActive
Preferred Shipping ProgramUPS CampusShipCompetitive Bid - E&I ConsortiumActive
Custom Broker/Freight ForwarderE. Besler & Co.Illinois Tech Designated ProviderActive
Preferred HotelsHiltons at McCormick PlaceCompetitively Negotiated - Illinois TechActive
Preferred Shredding VendorR4 ServicesCompetitively Negotiated - Illinois TechActive
Zoom ConferencingIllinois Tech - OTSActive
QualtricsIllinois Tech - OTSActive
VariousIllinois Tech - OTSActive
Travel AgencyForemost TravelIllinois Tech Designated Travel AgencyActive
Rental CarEnterpriseCompetitive Bid - E&I ConsortiumActive
More to come!!

Preferred Shredding Vendor - R4 Services

Illinois Tech has a university-wide Preferred shredding service agreement with R4 Services LLC, a local and women owned business enterprise, providing the university with competitive pricing for a range of options for bin sizes and pick up frequency while providing excellent service levels. All invoicing activities are centralized through Procurement Services and departments will be charged via internal journal transfer upon invoice approval.

If you need a new bin or need to schedule pick up services, please contact a Procurement Specialist in Procurement Services to coordinate.

Preferred Travel Agency - Foremost Travel

is Illinois Tech's Preferred Travel Agency for air and hotel bookings for faculty, staff, and students. Costs of flight and hotel booked through Foremost Travel will be deducted from the departmental FOAP provided at the time of booking.

To make a flight or hotel reservation, please contact one of Foremost Travel's customer service agents below:

Mary Bickett: 312.334.7879 maryb@foremosttravel.com

Lynn Farrell: 312.334.7878 lynnf@foremosttravel.com

Dan Lindell: 312.334.7881 dan@foremosttravel.com