
This page contains information regarding academic plans and policies for the Enrollment Division at Illinois Tech. We will continue adding updates to this page as we have more information.

For university-wide updates, please refer to IIT's COVID-19 page.




Staff and faculty should continue to adhere to general FERPA guidelines while working remotely. Please also keep in mind some additional information when in a shared space with individuals who are not university employees with a legitimate educational interest.

  • Prohibit computers from being used by others (e.g., children or spouse) if highly sensitive or critical university data (e.g., Social Security numbers or grades) is accessible by others using the device. Ensure that university information and any devices used to access, process, store, or transmit it are physically secured from unauthorized access, destruction, or theft.
    • Conduct any phone calls/virtual meetings regarding student information in a private area where no one can overhear.
    • Lock your computer any time you step away.
    • Work in an area where your computer screen is not viewable by others.
  • When speaking with a student remotely (either by phone or video), please ask them to move to a private space if possible. Recommendation: email student about privacy when confirming the meeting day/time.
  • Use university offered tools to communicate with students, i.e. Google Meet.
  • Continue to ensure that you send all work emails via your iit.edu email address and only respond to students at their hawk.iit.edu email address.
  • Always use the university鈥檚 secure VPN.


FERPA provides that educational institutions, such as post-secondary institutions, may disclose education records or personally identifiable information from such records only if an eligible student has provided prior written consent, except in several specified circumstances. An "eligible student" is one who is at least 18 years of age or attends a post-secondary institution. The term "education records" is broadly defined as those records that are:

  1. Directly related to a student; and
  2. Maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution.

For general information about FERPA, please visit the U.S. Department of Education's  or review the brochure below.

Please review the IIT FERPA website for additional information, including what is considered directory information, accessibility of educational records, and release of information to parents of students.