
Implementation Process

The implementation and execution of our strategic plan is undoubtedly the most important aspect of the plan. We must come together as a community and all be focused on the execution of the plan for it to have the intended impact of forging a new direction for the university that will enable the full flourishing envisioned by the plan. To succeed, our implementation plan must engage fully all of our stakeholders. Thus, the strategic plan and its assessment and execution will become a key topic of discussion at each of our Board of Trustee meetings, our Alumni Association meetings, our engagements with students through SGA and the President’s Advisory Council, and throughout the university and our stakeholders.

We will also closely coordinate the execution of our strategic priorities with our budget process and decisions. The implementation will involve tactical plans and responsible persons for each SMART Goal and will detail the role and intended actions of our current faculty and staff, within a given time frame, and will outline where and when additions to faculty and staff and further investment will be needed to achieve our strategic priorities. Ultimately, the success of the strategic plan requires the full involvement of our current faculty and staff as well as input from our students, alumni, Board of Trustees, and other key stakeholders.

The president is ultimately responsible for both the articulation and the attainment of the vision represented in the plan. The provost has overall responsibility for the implementation strategy and execution that will be used to achieve the vision of the plan; the provost is ultimately responsible for achievement of the metrics of the SMART Goals.

The academic and administrative leadership will also be held directly responsible for the plan’s success. The leadership group of deans, vice presidents, vice provosts, and department chairs will be reviewed annually based upon their ability to lead their units in the attainment of the goals and objectives of the plan. A steering committee will be formed to review quarterly progress on the plan and each SMART goal will have a principal responsible leader who will review more frequently progress on her/his SMART goal. Deans, vice presidents, and other administrative leaders will also be responsible for the development of both five-year and annual plans for their units that will support attainment of both the SMART goals in the strategic plan and the vision.

Faculty and staff leadership of the various implementation topics that will facilitate attainment of the SMART Goals will be identified, and multi-unit stakeholder teams will be assembled to develop the detailed strategies and tactics needed for success.