
Fraternities and Sororities

VII. Fraternities and Sororities

As fraternities and sororities are student organizations recognized in accordance with and subject to Article VI of this Student Handbook, the provisions of this Article VII are intended to be, and shall be deemed to be, in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other provisions contained in this Student Handbook.  In the case of any conflict, fraternities and sororities shall be expected to meet the strictest standard.

If a fraternity or sorority wants to charter on our campus, they must be approved as a recognized student organization by SGA, as well as approved by Greek Council, to be considered an Illinois Tech fraternity/sorority chapter. They cannot operate without being approved by both entities. If a chapter would like to recharter on Illinois Tech鈥檚 campus, the chapter must be inactive for at least 5 years, and the chapter must get approval from the Dean of Students.


If the FSL chapter is a citywide chapter, each university participating must hold the same amount of events per semester, and funding will only be given to events that happen on Illinois Tech鈥檚 campus. Events on another campus must be funded by that campus. Off campus events (events that do not happen on one of the participating universities campuses) must be funded by all campuses.


1.  Alcohol Policy. At all times, chapters must follow the appropriate rules, as set forth below, local and national chapter rules, the university Code of Conduct, and state and local law with regard to alcohol consumption within their houses.


A bar monitor, that is not a current Illinois Tech undergraduate, must be identified and approved by the Office Student Life and who must be present throughout the party or event. All bar monitors must, at a minimum, have gone through TIPS or other similar training.


A Fraternity and Sorority must be submitted to the Office of Student Life no less than 7 calendar days prior to the event. The event information will be forwarded to Public Safety.


A complete guest list of attendees who must be submitted to the Office of Student Life no less than 48 hours prior to the event. A post-event guest list with signatures must be turned in to the Office of Student Life before the end of the business day following the event.


Visitors not listed on the approved guest list are not allowed to attend the event.  Access to the house must be strictly controlled at all times, and those above 21 who are eligible to consume alcohol must be identified on entry by a different wristband or marking than students who are under 21.  Both groups of students must wear their respective wristbands or markings throughout the party.


A Public Safety officer and/or a professional staff member from the university may conduct, at least, one random visit during each event for the purpose of walking through the public areas of the event to ensure the following:

  1. All event participants are safe;
  2. Local and national organization rules, state law, and the Code of Conduct are being followed;
  3. Participants that are served and consume alcohol are wearing the appropriate wristband or marking; and
  4. An official bar-monitor is stationed appropriately.


Fraternities/Sororities agree to not impede, delay or otherwise obstruct the Public Safety officer and/or professional staff member from the university during the course of such walk through.  Such personnel will also assist the chapter members as appropriate and upon request.


Public Safety and/or other appropriate university staff will shut down the event within 30 minutes if any of the requirements set forth in this Article VII, Section A(1) are observed as not being followed or if they are not allowed access to the event.  Failure to shut down the event in the time specified will be reported and will lead to formal disciplinary proceedings against the fraternity/sorority. Public Safety and/or other university staff is not responsible for the closure of an event, unless invited by the fraternity/sorority to aid them in closure.


Public Safety and/or other appropriate university staff may also perform informal checks by either driving or walking by the perimeter of where the party is being held between 1:00 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. to monitor safety during the closure of the event. Unless there is a safety concern, Public Safety officers and/or other appropriate university staff will not enter the house at this time as the purpose is only to monitor the orderly end to the party.


All events must officially end by 1:30 a.m.


The chapter RA, Risk Management Chair, and one other member of the executive board must be identified by nametag or similar markings and present at all times at the event and be alcohol free for the purpose of monitoring the event for compliance with applicable rules.


The chapter RA, Risk Management Chair or equivalent position, and executive board must annually receive the following training: TIPS or equivalent, conflict management, conflict resolution, and community building.  All members of the foregoing group must have attended a training session on each of the foregoing topics each year prior to hosting their first event of the academic year.


It is recommended that post- and pre-party reports detailing any actual or potential incidents, problems, or violations as well as any other relevant or useful information be kept by all chapters. Any incidents need to be reported to the Office of Student Life within 24 hours of occurring or the first business day after the event.


1B.  Event Procedures. As student organizations, fraternity and sorority chapters are expected to adhere to the Alcohol Use for Campus Events Policy and Additional Rules Applicable to Events as outlined in this Handbook as well as the following procedures.

  1. Chapters hosting events (as defined in Article VI, Section G) are required to complete the Fraternity and Sorority Life no later than seven calendar days prior to the event date. Co-hosted events require the contact information for each chapter and/or organization. See the timeline below for deadline information.
  2. Registration forms for proposed events established in Article V, Section G are due no later than 2 weeks prior to the event on our event .
  3. Guest lists are due no later than 3 calendar days in advance of a proposed event.  All guest lists must be emailed to the Assistant Director of Student Life and have complete and accurate information.  If the guest list is not completed properly, it will be rejected and the event will be canceled.


Proposed Event DateSocial Event Registration DueGuest List DuePost Guest List Due
SundayPreceding Monday, 12pmPreceding Wednesday, 12pmFollowing Monday, 5pm
MondayPreceding Tuesday, 12pmPreceding Thursday, 12pmFollowing Tuesday, 5pm
TuesdayPreceding Wednesday, 12pmPreceding Friday, 12pmFollowing Wednesday, 5pm
WednesdayPreceding Thursday, 12pmPreceding Monday, 12pmFollowing Thursday, 5pm
ThursdayPreceding Friday, 12pmPreceding Tuesday, 12pmFollowing Friday, 5pm
FridayPreceding Monday, 12pmPreceding Wednesday, 12pmFollowing Monday, 5pm
SaturdayPreceding Monday, 12pmPreceding Wednesday, 12pmFollowing Monday, 5pm

Chapters who fail to follow the policies and procedures laid out in this Student Handbook will face judicial action in accordance with the disciplinary procedures established by Article V, Section E.  Chapters and members may be held accountable for individual and group action, independent of the other.



2.  Educational Programming. The Office of Student Life recognizes the merit in educational programming for fraternal organizations, based in the social and personal development of values.  Encouraging community and engagement through programming, at least 30% of each fraternity and sorority chapter are expected to participate in Student Life sanctioned programs each semester.  Of that 30%, the full executive team of the chapter must attend. Sanctioned program areas may include topics such as, but not limited to, risk management, recruitment, personal health and finance.  A list of programs will be available from the Office of Student Life each semester and communicated regularly to chapter presidents. Only programs approved by the Office of Student Life will meet attendance requirements.


3. Fire, Health and Safety. All chapter houses are expected to meet all local fire and health codes and standards. All chapters are expected to have the emergency numbers for fire, police and ambulance and are expected to have evacuation routes clearly posted on the back of the door of each sleeping room. All chapters are expected to comply with engineering recommendations as reported by their insurance companies. The possession and/or use of firearms or explosive devices of any kind within the confines and premises of the chapter house is expressly forbidden. Open fires are prohibited.


4.  Fraternity and Sorority Advisors. Each Fraternity & Sorority with a chapter house must have a resident advisor (RA). Each chapter house must submit the name of the person selected to be the RA to the Office of Residence Life for prior approval and must also notify the Office of Residence Life if there is any change and/or absence of an RA. The RA must reside in the chapter house at all times when the house is occupied.


The Assistant Director of Student Life oversees and advises all chapters as well as Greek Council. Each fraternity and sorority must also have a staff, faculty, or alumni advisor. All advisors must be pre-approved by the Office of Student Life and listed each term on the fraternity and sorority membership lists. The Office of Student Life can assist a fraternity or sorority in finding an advisor. It is the function of both the faculty/staff and RAs to encourage the scholastic, social, and cultural growth of fraternity and sorority members.


5.  Greek Council.  Greek Council represents all social fraternities and sororities at Illinois Tech. Each social fraternity and sorority must be recognized by Greek Council, the Office Residence Life and SGA to receive official recognition as a student organization.  The council coordinates fraternity and sorority events, scholarship programs, Greek Week and recruitment, as well as other campus-wide events. Greek Council is a governing body advised by an Office of Student Life member. The council works in collaboration with the Office of Community Standards to monitor its own members in accordance with Illinois Tech procedures, rules and policies, as well as the codes of conduct contained in its own constitution and bylaws. Fraternity and sorority organizations are responsible for complying with all procedures, rules and policies applicable to Illinois Tech student organizations. Illinois Tech maintains the right to initiate its judicial process independently of Greek Council actions and independent organizations and/or individuals.


6.  Hazing. As set forth in more detail in the Code of Conduct, hazing includes treating prospective members differently than active or alumni members. Refer to the Hazing Policy in this Student Handbook for more information. Organizations found responsible for participating in hazing may have their recognition revoked. Any questions regarding activities that may constitute hazing should be directed to the Office of Student Life. All students, faculty, and staff have a responsibility to immediately report any questionable activities to the Office of Student Life, Office of Residence Life, Office of Community Standards, and/or the Department of Public Safety.


7.  Indebtedness to Fraternities or Sororities. Fraternities and sororities are expected to take all necessary action to collect debts owed to them by their members. Unless the debt owed by a member is actually one owed to Illinois Tech, Illinois Tech does not have standing either to collect the debt from the member on behalf of the affected fraternity or sorority or to assist the affected fraternity or sorority with the collection efforts, and it will take no action nor provide any assistance to a fraternity or sorority to collect money owed to it by its members.  To the extent that the debt is one actually owed to Illinois Tech, such as a failure to pay board for living in Illinois Tech owned and operated housing or using Illinois Tech sponsored meal plan, a member who is so delinquent may be subject to penalties, including, but not limited to, denial of housing in subsequent semesters.  Contact the Office Residence Life for more information.


8.  Initiation. The fraternity or sorority must instruct all new/associate members to complete the : to check eligibility after the new/associate member has accepted a bid.


9.  Membership. Membership in social fraternities and sororities is open to all regularly enrolled undergraduate students who are registered for classes at Illinois Tech. Regularly enrolled undergraduate students at VanderCook College of Music are eligible to join the social fraternities and sororities as long as such membership is not in conflict with national organization regulations. Fraternity and sorority membership rosters must be submitted to the Assistant Director of Student Life at the beginning of each semester.  The roster must include all initiated members and new/associate members, as well as indicate whether they live in the chapter house, a residence hall, or off campus.  After membership lists have been submitted for the semester, the Office of Student Life must be notified in writing, within 48 hours, of any changes in the lists.


10.  New/Associate Members. The formal recruitment period takes place at the beginning of the fall and/or spring semester; however, chapters may also recruit new members outside of this time period. This is known as informal recruitment.  Chapters must follow all Greek Council policies pertaining to recruitment. Any student enrolled for at least 12 credit hours at Illinois Tech or at VanderCook College of Music is eligible to join. The names of all students who are potential new/associate members must be submitted to the Office of Student Life at least three calendar days after bids are extended. A student on academic, conduct, or disciplinary probation is not eligible to join. The name of any student who is disaffiliated at any time must be reported in writing to the Assistant Director of Student Life.


11.  Expansion. The purpose of the is to open the Greek Council at Illinois Tech for expansion to additional inter/national fraternity or sorority organizations not currently affiliated with the University. It is also to ensure that a healthy and thorough process for expansion guides the growth of fraternity or sorority organizations at Illinois Tech both organizational and institutional. Illinois Tech affirms that professional and social fraternity and sorority organizations constitute an integral part of the campus community. Recognizing that membership in a Greek organization is of significant educational value, Illinois Tech supports the concept that membership can be a worthwhile component to a student鈥檚 life. Illinois Tech and the Office of Student Life reserve the right to change the policies, procedures, rules, regulations, and information at any time. If you cannot access the policy via the link above and would like a copy, please contact the Office of Student Life.


12. Sexual Misconduct/Harassment. In accordance with the Illinois Tech policy on sexual misconduct/harassment, including, but not limited to Title IX Sexual Harassment as defined in Article III of this Student Handbook, the Greek Council will not tolerate or condone any form of sexist or sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental, or emotional. This is to include any actions, which are demeaning to women or men. Refer to the various sexual misconduct and harassment policies set forth in this Student Handbook, including, but not limited to, the Code of Conduct and Article III, for more information.  In addition to any action taken by the Greek Council or an individual organization, Illinois Tech retains the right to take action against any sorority or fraternity or any member(s) thereof that violate its policies on sexual misconduct or sexual harassment.


13.  Social Regulations. Illinois Tech expects fraternity and sorority members to accept both personal and group responsibility for meeting recognized standards of good conduct, which follow all local, state and federal guidelines as well as Illinois Tech, national and/or alumni guidelines. Executive board leadership (defined as officers currently serving in a role on the chapter鈥檚 leadership team) and any new member expected to be initiated during the current academic year from each chapter are required to attend Risk Minimization training at the beginning of each semester, as scheduled by the Office of Residence Life.  A chapter鈥檚 absence from Risk Minimization training or improperly registered social events may result in judicial action by Greek Council, Office of Student Life, or the Office of Student Affairs.