
Title IV of the Higher Education Act (HEA) authorizes programs that provide financial assistance to students to assist them in obtaining a postsecondary education at institutions of higher education. These programs include federal direct loans, parent loans, federal grants, and work study programs. Additionally, postsecondary institutions must satisfy program integrity requirements while participating in the Title IV program. That is, an institution must be legally authorized to operate in the state in which it is physically located, accredited by an agency recognized for that purpose by the Department of Education (ED), and certified by ED as eligible to participate in Title IV programs. These requirements are intended to provide a balance between consumer protection, quality assurance, and oversight and compliance in the Title IV programs.  Other related requirements include those that relate to institutional recruiting practices, student policies and procedures, and the administration of the Title IV student aid programs. 

Illinois Institute of Technology is committed to ensuring compliance with regulations set forth under the Title IV 1998 Higher Education Amendments Act. Compliance is a campus-wide responsibility and requires an ongoing commitment from campus partners across the university in which key stakeholders keep informed of current regulations and their impact on compliance.