
Reimagine the current process of recognizing staff and faculty for years of service

Database Name: Employee Recognition, Staff/Faculty, Service Awards

Scope of Work:

This work will involve learning about how faculty and staff are currently recognized for service years and looking into what other universities do. The sub-committee may want to interview others who have been recognized for service years as well as those who have not yet been recognized in order to capture their recommendations. The final deliverable will be a recommendation on how to most effectively recognize years of service.

Reimagine the annual Staff Excellence Awards as an ongoing program that occurs throughout the year

Database Name: Staff Excellence Awards

Scope of Work:

(Versus one time per year which is the current stage), where many more people are recognized for excellence in performance well above and beyond their current scope of work.

Other work related to engagement that is occurring outside of the Work Life and Engagement Committee.

The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) will review the results of the Spring 2022 Staff Engagement Survey, and the SAC Assessment Committee will identify top priorities to improve staff engagement, based on the specific results. These priorities may be addressed by Work Life and Engagement sub-committees OR we will form additional sub-committees as needed.