

General Rule

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulates disclosure of disability documentation and records maintained by the Center for Disability Resources (CDR). Under this federal act, prior written consent by the student is required before CDR may release disability documentation or records.

Exception to the Rule

Under FERPA, the CDR is permitted to release information to any school official who has a "legitimate educational interest."

What does this mean?

Faculty members or other school officials such as tutors may request information about the impact of a student's disability on his or her ability to learn. The CDR will only share information with other school officials when appropriate and will carefully balance a student's request for confidentiality and the request for additional, relevant information about the student. The CDR seeks to preserve the student's wish to keep their disability information and status confidential. The CDR is extremely sensitive to this issue.

Other Students' Rights Under FERPA

FERPA also allows students to inspect and review their files that are maintained by the CDR. Students have the right to challenge any information contained in the files that is incorrect, misleading, or inaccurate and request an amendment to this misinformation.