
ADAPT Psychology Lab

The (Adjusting to Diverse Adversities with People and Technology) conducts ongoing research in rehabilitation counseling and psychology to address both basic and applied research questions, with a primary focus on cultural issues, psychosocial adjustment, and help-seeking behavior of persons with chronic illness and disability (CID) and their caregivers. Focus areas include co-existing disability and mental health issues, positive psychology and wellness among people with CID, issues facing family and caregivers of people with CID, multicultural issues related to help-seeking behavior, vocational rehabilitation, and psychological adaptation in assistive technology. For more information contact Associate Professor of Psychology Eun-Jeong Lee.

Adverse Impact Analysis Lab

Adverse impact refers to group differences in the outcomes of employment decisions, such as when minority individuals have lower rates of hiring or promotion, or tend to have lower pay. Careful monitoring of adverse impact allows organizations to minimize litigation risk and to effectively target diversity efforts. The goal of the Adverse Impact Analysis Lab is to develop improved statistical tools for adverse impact analysis, integrating existing legal and regulatory frameworks with advanced statistical modeling techniques. For more information contact Professor of Psychology Scott Morris.

Ayman Leadership Research Lab

The Ayman Leadership Research Lab is focused on several key topics: methods for enhancing the development of leader behaviors, the role of ethnicity on acceptability of emotional expressions, leadership structure in a group examined through social networks of groups, and gender and leadership effectiveness. Ayman鈥檚 work/family research team is also exploring several topics: immigrant workers and work-family conflict; the role of the use of smartphones in managing work/family conflict; and entrepreneurs managing work/family conflict. For more information contact Professor of Psychology Roya Ayman.

Ditchman Research Team

The Ditchman Research Team focuses on promoting wellness and community outcomes for individuals with disabilities, with a specific emphasis on sense of community, employment and transition-age youth with disabilities. For more information contact Associate Professor of Psychology Nicole Ditchman.

Du Bois Health Psychology Lab

The Du Bois Health Psychology Lab is composed of Illinois Tech faculty and students committed to researching health and health behaviors. Our specific points of focus include HIV, health in romantic relationships, sexual behavior, and sexuality and gender. We aim to conduct rigorous and innovative research and to disseminate our findings to the populations we work with. For more information contact Assistant Professor of Psychology Steve N. Du Bois.

Eating Behaviors Research Lab

The  focuses on research related to eating behaviors, eating disorders, and body image in men, women, children, and minority groups. Directed by Alissa Haedt-Matt, the lab conducts research studies throughout the 电车无码 community and Illinois Tech's campus. For more information contact Assistant Professor of Psychology Alissa Haedt-Matt.

Health Disparities and Resilience Lab

The Health Disparities and Resilience Lab examines the health disparities experienced by marginalized groups, such as LGBT individuals, racial minorities, refugees, and those in the foster care system, and focuses on how supportive others can promote their resilience. This group also investigates strategies to eliminate health disparities through prejudice-reduction interventions. For more information contact Assistant Professor of Psychology Nikki Legate

Moller Motivation and Health Psychology Lab

The Moller Motivation and Health Psychology Lab is focused on applying and advancing theories related to behavioral health. This often involves leveraging social psychology and human motivation theories (e.g., self-determination theory), as well as game design, financial incentives, social networks, and technology. One active line of research involves encouraging sedentary adults to exercise more in ways that are more meaningful, social, sustainable using an online exergame called "Active Fantasy Sports"鈥攁 combination of traditional fantasy sports and wearable activity tracking technology. Another line of research encourages people to reflect deeply on their own mortality, a practice that may increase people's prosocial values, behaviors, and well-being. A third line of research is exploring the motivation and occupational health of physicians and police officers. We are frequently learning new research methods and seeking cross-disciplinary collaborators with complementary expertise. For more information contact Associate Professor of Psychology Arlen Moller.

Repetitive Experiences and Behavior Lab

The Repetitive Experiences and Behavior Lab is a clinical psychology research laboratory dedicated to psychosocial investigations of repetitive phenomena, such as repetitive behavior (e.g., compulsions, rituals, avoidance behavior, stereotypy, and habits) and repetitive internal experiences (e.g., intrusive thoughts, obsessions, preoccupations, and mental rituals). As such, REBL specializes in research on obsessive-compulsive disorder, hoarding disorder, anxiety disorders and trauma, and autism spectrum disorders.